Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critically evaluate the contribution that music can make to health and Literature review
Critically evaluate the contribution that music can make to health and wellbeing - Literature review Example People with mental health issues can benefit from music because it takes them away from thinking of themselves as patients by promoting their self-esteem, social recognition, confidence and status especially when they participate in singing (Bradt & Dileo, 2009:2, Music for stress and anxiety reduction in coronary heart disease patients). The relationship between arts and health has been a topical issue for a long time. The linkage between arts participation and health has been developed for instance the influence of sports on physical health and the influence of music on mental health. It is indeed true that arts participation has an effect on key health indicators. Music, health, and well-being: A review by Raymond and Macdonald (2013) asserts that musical participation as part of arts participation has a direct influence on the mental health and well being in people. Research has indicated that music contributes to mental health and wellbeing of people in different stages of life for instance children and the elderly. Rose Perkins and Aaron Williamon (2013) in their article Learning to make music in older adulthood: A mixed-methods exploration of impacts on wellbeing explore the links between older adulthood, wellbeing lifelong learning and music and posit that music has an important aspect for healthy ageing (Unkefer & Thaut, Eds. 2009:23). By healthy ageing, Unkefer & Thaut, Eds. (2009) refer to the absence of illnesses in old age in terms of social, physical and mental health. In this respect Unkefer & Thaut, Eds. (2009) acknowledge the fact that, â€Å"There is a growing body of literature exploring the relationships between music and wellbeing in the ageing population, and we know that music is a powerful part of many older adults’ lives†(Perkins & Williamon, 2013:551). While citing other sources, Downey,, (2013)
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Persuasive essay in favour of abolishing hunting Essay Example for Free
Persuasive essay in favour of abolishing hunting Essay Hunting should be prohibited because it is all too simple for hunters to abuse regulations. Firstly, there is no way to be certain whether or not hunters comply with limits established in regards to the amount of animals they are allowed to kill, and where they are allowed to hunt. Every occurrence in a hunting expedition cannot be monitored and therefore hunters are essentially â€Å"allowed†to do as they please. The overconfidence that ensues leads to hunters taking even more lives than they are permitted. As well, hunters have the ability to enter reserves to hunt game, though they may not have the permission. This can have devastating consequences on the condition of the ecosystem where the animas live as well as the power to destroy and hinder conservation attempts. However, this could be solved through the abolition of hunting. Secondly, it is nearly impossible to identify whether methods that hunters use are â€Å"ethical†. Though there truly is no ethical way to kill an innocent animal, certain measures are taken to create laws to keep hunting as humane as possible. Nevertheless, there are many cases where these laws are disobeyed and ignored. For example, news stories have described a horrifying hunting method referred to as â€Å"slob-hunting†. Hunters will run into a herd of elk or other game and senselessly shoot, taking whatever they have killed and leaving wounded animals to simply die on their own. This merciless tactic is certainly something that is intolerable, and is yet another example of why sport hunting should be eliminated. Lastly, hunters are not supervised, giving them the ability to kill any animal in the area, including endangered species. Though most endangered species in places like North America are protected, animals do not stay stationary and there is always the possibility for one of these creatures to be injured or killed. Therefore, because hunters do not always comply with hunting laws, the practice should be abolished altogether. Another reason hunting should be outlawed is because it disrupts the intricate balance of an ecosystem. One example of this is the depletion of endangered species. There are many animals whose numbers have been severely reduced due to hunting, such as the polar bear. Though it may not seem like a conventional prey in sport hunting, climate change is not the only reason for their dwindling numbers. Polar bears are respectfully hunted in most parts of North America by the Inuit, as it is part of the culture of the area. However, polar bear trophies have now become the desire of many American sport hunters. These trophies are representative of nothing but the senseless murder of an animal, and are a prime example of how harmful sport hunting can be on an entire species. Hunters may argues that hunting is justified as it keeps animals from overpopulating, however in the wild this occurs independently. If left unchanged, and ecosystem can easily sustain itself and thrive. Population is naturally controlled through disease, as the weakest animals are killed off and the strongest are left to survive and breed, but when hunting, the strongest are the ones who are killed. To agree with a hunter’s logic would be agreeing that it is justified to kill an animal because they may become sick or starve, which is sickening. It is unnecessary cruelty, and should be eradicated. Hunting also disturbs hibernation patterns of animals, and can cause stress which can take a heavy toll on their wellbeing. For example, to wolves who live in very intimate families, the loss from hunting can devastate very many. Hunting also places very much stress on animals, and can hinder their eating. This in turn reduces their amount of fat and energy they store during hibernation, and may not allow them to survive through winter. The stress can also cause them to succumb more easily to diseases which in turn can spread to all members of the animal community. Consequently, because hunting disrupts the natural balance of plants and animals in an ecosystem, sport hunting should banned. Lastly, hunting also has the potential to destroy forests, and other habitats that animals live in. Hunters may leave camps unattended which can lead to forest fires, and damage the homes of plants and animals in the area. Unattended campfires in the campsites of hunters, especially in dry summer months, are extremely dangerous to forests. They can very easily catch on trees and can potentially destroy entire forests and take many lives. Setting up a camp itself, though it may seem like a simple act, can also have damage on the surrounding plant life. Not only are plants suffocated by the weight of a tent but also any other gear brought. They are also heavily trampled. This damage could be done to an animal’s food supply, and could cause an entire group of animals to go hungry. The weapons that hunters use can also cause physical damage to plants and trees which animals need for food and shelter. Bullets and arrows can easily slice through trees and plants, destroying both animal homes and their meals. Gunpowder and residues from other weapons can also settle onto plants. If ingested by an unsuspecting herbivore, this can make then very ill and can even be fatal to them. Finally, when hunting animals that reside in the water, the boats used pollute the oceans and lakes the animals call home, and injure animals that get too close to the propeller or motor. Boats moving through lakes deposit gasoline and oil into lakes, which can be fatal to aquatic life. They also drag litter into the water which is hazardous not only for fish and other underwater creatures, but for animals such as otters and birds as well. Boat motors and propellers can also be tremendously dangerous to marine life, as they are sharp and can seriously disfigure an innocent creature. Thus, because hunting has the ability to destroy not only animals but also their habitats, it should be prohibited.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Acme Is A Large Pharmaceutical Company Information Technology Essay
Acme Is A Large Pharmaceutical Company Information Technology Essay ACME is a large pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh. In all districts, it opened branches. So that why, they need communication technology, which way they can get all information about their product and that why they need a website. In Bangladesh the pharmaceutical sector is one of the most developed hi-tech sectors which is contributing in the countrys economy. After the promulgation of Drug Control Ordinance 1982, the development of this sector was accelerated. The ACME Laboratories Ltd, the pharmaceutical major and the flagship Company of the ACME Group, is a Manufacturer and Global exporter of Human, Herbal and Veterinary Pharmaceutical products. Since its inception in 1954, Chapter 2 Initial Study 2.1. Introduction: In Bangladesh the pharmaceutical sector is one of the most developed hi-tech sectors which is contributing in the countrys economy. After the promulgation of Drug Control Ordinance 1982, the development of this sector was accelerated. The ACME Laboratories Ltd, the pharmaceutical major and the flagship Company of the ACME Group, is a Manufacturer and Global exporter of Human, Herbal and Veterinary Pharmaceutical products. Since its inception in 1954, The ACME Laboratories Ltd, has been working relentlessly with a vision to ensure health, vigour and happiness for all and is on a perpetual quest for excellence. 2.2. Company Background: ACME Group is one of the leading and diversified global conglomerates in Bangladesh, with offices in all major cities, employing over 3000+ employees and dedicated to bringing the highest quality products and services to our customers. They have an annual turnover of US $60 million with diversified interests in Pharmaceuticals, FMCG, Information Technology Services, Aviation Services, Printing Packaging Services, Trading Services, C F Services, Apparels and more. The ACME Laboratories Ltd, the pharmaceutical major and the flagship Company of the ACME Group. The history of The ACME Laboratories Ltd. dates back to 1954 when a proprietorship firm was founded to manufacture ethical drugs. It started with the modest introduction of a few oral liquid products. The late Hamidur Rahman Sinha was the founder of the firm and was the main visionary of the organization until his sad demise in 1994. The firm was converted into a private Limited company in the year 1976. Commercial operation at the modernized plant equipped with sophisticated and advanced facilities began toward the end of 1983. The Company has adopted the ISO-9001-2008 and WHO CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) standards. All employees must adhere to the documented procedures and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure).Many challenges were overcome successfully to transform the company from a small unit to what it is today. Out of about 300 pharmaceutical companies in the country, The ACME Labs is one of the top four. 2.3. Description of current system: The ACME Laboratories Ltd. Has invested in state of the art formulation plants aligned to regulated market standards. Four plants based on the Dhaka site can produce pharmaceutical products to the highest GMP specifications. These plants have been designed by internationally recognized firms and equipped with the best machines that can currently be found on the European and US markets. The ACME Laboratories Ltd. normally based on a current local system, for what, it has a local larger marketing side all over in Bangladesh. Their total selling systems depend on marketing system. More than 1200 Medical Representatives of human sector, around 300 Medical Representatives of veterinary sector are the current worker of the marketing side of The ACME Laboratories Ltd. The MR is responsible to communicate with the customers. There are two kind of MR. One is called Buffer. Their duty is to stay in hospital and collect all prescription. And another Mr.s duty is to communicate with the doctor a nd chemist and motivate them for the products and take orders. The Area manager is always responsible for the Medical Representatives. Their duties are to observe t the proper communication between MR and The ACME Laboratories Ltd. The Customer, If any problem occurs, he will report to Regional Sales Manager who is responsible for fulfill the requirements of MR and customers. His duty is also to replace and rearrange MR for all area zone and also concern for the delivery of product on time. The Assistant sales manager is one of the head of marketing side, who is direct communicating with the management. His duty is to inspect all marketing area and be aware about their service. He takes all responsibilities to build up their marketing proposal comparing with other competitors. So their total marketing system is based on door to door. 2.4. Problem with the current system: If the current system of The ACME Laboratories Ltd. Is analyzed, then it shows some lacks of current system such as communication gap, mistiming, over cost. Like the total selling system is based on door to door. So sometimes the MR fails to meet with the customer. Though they can meet, they dont get enough time to promote their product. Even sometimes the customer feels disturb for them. So this is a big weak point for the current system. Another weak point is timing. When an order has been taken, it was taken in paper. There are lots of order has been taken in a time. So it may be happened to lose one order or forget to rearrange on time. Today in every business sector, there are lots of competitions. So to buildup the business, it needs to be careful about the price. As there is communication gap between the MR and the management, they dont get the right track for the product cost comparing with the competitors. So some products carry high value which is not affordable for our peo ple. So the current marketing system of The ACME Laboratories Ltd is not a proper system for the business. 2.5. Boundary of the project: As ACME is a group of companies, here we are only working for ACME Laboratories Ltd. And we only concern to improved the marketing system and introduce the products to customer. So, as we concern only for product, our aim is only to improve website system better than previous website. 2.6. Aims of the project: If the company needs to fulfill their requirements and update their current system , it is suggested that they should have a software which one can communicate directly between the customers and the employees of The ACME Laboratories Ltd. This software can be web based, where the employees and the customers inform their requirement and the problem to the management. Even the company can promote their all new or old products in that software and the customer will get the information about their requirements and directly can order from this software. So it will save time and money. 2.7. Summary: Though The ACME Laboratories Ltd is a leading Pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh but it has lots of competitors. So to continue with a good future, it should be upgrade its whole system .So for the marketing side, if they are able to get a software, which can be fulfill their requirements, They will get a standard feedback from this side. May be this will be a great step to lead in Pharmaceutical business. Chapter 3 Feasibility study 3.1 Introduction: In order to make wise investments in a marketplace experiencing increasing levels of risk, companies are turning to feasibility studies to determine, if they should offer new products, services or undertake a new business endeavor. The purpose of a feasibility study is to determine if a business opportunity is possible, practical and viable. So, when therell be a proposal for the improvement of The ACME Laboratories, firstly this should be need to know that are they alright or do they agree with the conditions of the proposal system? 3.2 Alternate solutions: The current system of ACME Laboratories is totally manual. It totally depends on the marketing employee. So the management is always moving their decision according to employees report. For that reason some times they facing commutation problem and misguided. To solve this problem, they need a proper solution which may be based on computer program system such as may be a software or website. 3.3 The proposed system: There may be a proposal, which we suggest and decided by the management of ACME Laboratories, to make a website, which can be solve the current problems and guide the company for making the system easier. Advantages: (of the web site): If the company accept the proposal of website, they will be benefited in sever always. Like, itll solve the communicate problem between the employees and the management. Company can save the cost, what they spend for the knocking to the customer and also they can save their time as well to take appointments and order from the customers. So, this website can bring a new system for the company, which will lead the company to the go further. Disadvantage: (of the web site): Therell be some disadvantages for this proposal. First they need setup everything for use a website. Itll take some cost. And some of employees are not familiar with the internet and website. So it will face problem to operate it. Even the company will always need the internet connection.If they face any problem for connection,may be itll stop the whole system and make it delay to process. 3.4 Feasibility consideration 3.4.1 Technical feasibility: When, therell be a proposal for a company, Firstly it needs to know ,the system of the proposal are suitable for the system. Like, for the website, first, it should be notice about the technical feasibility of the company. Because ,they have to have computers for every sectors, where there need to be communicate. And also need to be noticed about the flexibility of connection. If, there is a positive result about the technical feasibility, then the proposal can be proceed further. 3.4.2 Economical feasibility: For the proposal, it need to be ensure about the economical feasibility. Because for the web application they need some computers .So itll take some cost. Also they have to pay the internet bill and a charge for the Domain and hosting charge per year. So, if the company accepts the budget for the proposal, then itll be carry on. 3.4.3 Operational feasibility: When there will be a technical proposal, it should be notice about the operational feasibility. Because, they need to operate the system and update all new information. So they must need to know about the operational knowledge about the website. Maybe, some employee needs to be trained up. So, if they are able to do it, then the proposal can be proceed on. 3.5 Summary: This feasibility consideration is helping the developer to understand if the company has the ability to use this website. Developer can also understand the range of the company which can help him to develop the website. Chapter 4 Requirement analysis specification 4.1 Introduction: ACME is a large pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh. In all districts, it opened branches. So that why, they need communication technology, which way they can get all information about their product and that why they need a website, which can fulfill these requirements. To get information about their requirement, we took an interview so that the website, which we are going to make fulfill their needs. 4.2 Interview record: As, we are going to make a website for ACME Laboratories, at first, we need to know their requirements. For that reason, we took an appointment with the company Assistant Sales Manager Mr. Jafarullah. Interview was arranged on 23rd May, 2010 at 11:00am. On that day, we met with Mr. Jafarullah and gathered the requirements and record all details. This interview helped us a lot to get an idea about the website. 4.3 DFD of existing system: Require Products Process product 1 Sales representative Customer M1 Product info Confirm availability Product Order Process Order 3 Sales representative Customer Confirm order M2 Order info Response pay Figure: DFD diagram for current system 4.4 Requirements catalogue: Requirement ID ACME 1 Requirement name Products Info Business activity Marketing Products Source Website Owner MD. Functional requirement Input products info Benefits To introduce current product to customer Comments Entry products list Requirement ID ACME 2 Requirement name Update Info Business activity Marketing for new products Source Website Priority Company employee Owner MD. Functional requirement Add new products info Benefits Introduce the new products to customer Comments Add / Delete products list 4.5 DFD of proposed system: D1 Product info Process Products 1. Products Enter data Staff Select products for order Saves quantity information 2 Products View product Customer D1 Product info Figure: DFD diagram for proposed system 4.6 Elementary process description: ID Process name Description 1.1 Information collection Collected information from Assistant sales manager of ACME Laboratories Ltd. 1.2 Products list They provide a book, from where we got the product name and details. 1.3 Make a proposal for a website We submitted a proposal for a website and they approved it. 1.4 The required of website Required a website where they can update or delete information by themselves. 1.5 Type of website This will be a dynamic website, what we are going to make. 1.6 Overall progress We showed a demo to the assistant sales manager and he was impressed. 4.7 Entity relationship diagram: Customer Staff Sales Representative 4.8 Entity description: In the DFD diagram of the existing system, name of some entities have been mentioned. Description of these entities is given below. Entity name Description Customer Name Responsible for bye product. Staff Responsible for Data store. Sales Representative Responsible for Order product. 4.9 Data catalog: Data item Description Database Process Product Input all data of the current product Insert Date Manufacturing Date Insert Update new product If any new product is made, that would be updated. Insert Delete product If they want to remove product from database, they can delete it Delete 4.10 Summary: At the end of this stage, requirement analysis and specification helped us to gather all information and idea of our proposed website. Chapter 5 System deign 5.1. Introduction: Based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of a new system, the new system must be designed. This is the phase of system designing. It is a most crucial phase in the development of a system. Normally, the design proceeds in stages 5.2. Logical design and description: ACME Laboratories Ltd ACME PHOTO HOME ABOUT ACME PRODUCTS SUPPORT CONTACTS Latest News Welcome to ACME Copyright  © 2010. DIIT 5.3. Sitemap: About ACME HOME Products Support Contacts Allopathic Herbal Add Products 5.4. Summary: ACME website Sample has been designed. There sketches will be used to design. There are some logical diagram have been added on this document. Chapter 6 Coding 6.1. Home page: Welcome to ACME if( $_GET){ if( file_exists( includes/pages/.$_GET[page]..php)) include( includes/pages/.$_GET[page]..php ); else include( includes/pages/default.php ); }else include( includes/pages/default.php ); ?> Copyright  © 2010. DIIT window.NREUM||(NREUM={});{"beacon":"","licenseKey":"de6e6cfad9","applicationID":"221047987","transactionName":"bl0HMhMFDEYCWhJeWlcXMBQISwdGEFgfRBpYShEPAggHGxNRFg==","queueTime":0,"applicationTime":1,"atts":"QhoERFsfH0g=","errorBeacon":"","agent":""} Chapter 7 Testing 7.1. Introduction: Testing a product seems very simple. It involves ensuring the product works as intended and does not fail. This is what we strive to achieve when testing program code. When some one read text books on testing there he/she will find that verification and validation is the name given to the checking and analysis processes that ensure the software conforms to its specification and meets the needs requirements of the customer. 7.2. Unit test: Method Value entered Expected result Runtime result Comments Add Product AP(Allophathic) à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Successful Add Product HP (Herbal) à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Successful Add Product AP (Herbal) ÃÆ'- ÃÆ'- Error 7.3. Link test: Page Link Expected result Runtime result Comments Home Index.php à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Successful ABOUT ACME index.php?page=about à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Successful PRODUCTS index.php?page=products à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ ÃÆ'- Error SUPPORT index.php?page=support à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Successful CONTACTS index.php?page=contacts à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ ÃÆ'- Error 7.4. Summary: The documentation of testing is critically important and we descried a scheme that provides both good documentation and a framework for test management. I gave some guidelines for test design, but recognized that this is a difficult problem which cannot be automated. Chapter 8 Implementation 8.1. Introduction: The implementation phase is typically terminated b a formal acceptance process, when the business manager declares that she/he is satisfied that the system meets its objectives and sign off takes place. New Computer equipment needed. Users need to be trained. Data transferred from an old web system. New data entered. 8.2. Maintenance plan: The maintenance stage begins once the implementation is complete. This is typical of many medium size organizations. In larger companies, a full-time maintenance team may carry out all this work. Maintenance includes error fixing, updates and modifications which are necessary because requirements are incorrectly understood or specified, requirements analysis is not complete in time, and the needs of the business have changed. 8.3. Summary: Implementation and maintenance is most important part of the project. The ACME must use a responsible person to take responsibility. Chapter 9 Limitations and future plan 9.1. Limitations: 9.1.1. This site is not fully dynamic (Only products page is dynamic) 9.1.2. Contacts page is not work. 9.1.3. Menu cannot add because there have a flash. 9.2. Future plan: 9.2.1. This site will be a fully dynamic. 9.2.2. Contacts page will be work when page is hosting a web. 9.2.3. Admin will be added new menu. Chapter 10 Conclusion All work successfully completed. Now the website is ready for use. During implementation careful steps had to be taken so that it can get desired environment as needed. Limitations and future plan will be helpful for developing a more efficient website next time.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Computers in Teacher Education :: Technology Learning Teaching Essays
Computers in Teacher Education The computer has changed many aspects of American society, and the Teacher Education field is no exception.A future teacher now has to consider the computer along with all of the traditional subjects when preparing to get a teaching degree.Literacy in American schools no longer means that a student can read, write, and do simple math problems.Literacy has a new branch that is required of all students to learn-the computer. The computer is a vital part of the education process of today’s youth.The process of getting a teaching degree now requires that the University student be literate and competent when it comes to using and teaching computers.Future teachers are trained how to utilize the computer to enhance lesson plans and supplement learning.Computers are not only used to drill students on previously learned material, but also to explore new ideas and find new resources.Kevin Ryan explores these new concepts of teaching in Those Who Can, Teach, â€Å"The technology-assisted teacher, however, was facilitating instruction as needed, to bring about a deeper understanding and relevance.†[1]The teacher is no longer alone when thinking up lesson plans and related activities.The computer provides teaching software as well as endless material on the internet that teachers can utilize in their classrooms.The internet provides websites to bring resources together for all teachers to share.The w ebsites include classroom management tips, grade book software, lesson plans, and connections to fellow teachers.Teachers are no longer alone in their classrooms, all they have to do is visit a website, such as, and everything they could need is accessible from their computer. Some teachers may feel apprehensive to include the computer in their classroom activities, but according to the National Center for Education Statistics[2], more and more teachers are turning to the computer to enhance the learning process. Computers are changing every aspect of the education field.Not only are teachers using the computer to help their students learn, but also the students themselves are going on their own to find resources and information via the computer.According to Ryan[3] a project in Florida, called CHILD (Computers Helping Instruction and Learning Development) students who are grouped together and allowed to work on projects involving the computer and traditional classroom methods ultimately did better on year-end standardized tests than peers in conventional classrooms. The number of students using the computer is continually rising, usage averaging about 1-2 times per month.The Nation’s Report Card researches the usage of computers by twelfth-grade students.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
“Lifting the Veil: Understanding the Roots of Islamic Militancy†by Henry Munson Essay
The article discussed the reasons behind Muslim hostility towards the United States. The article first appeared in Harvard International Review, Winter 2004, pp. 20-23.            Author Henry Munson focused on the reasons why Islamic militancy, led by Osama bin Laden, continues to take its toll despite United States’ efforts through its foreign policy to eradicate such violence. Munson stated that US might want to look at and reflect on their foreign policies, which causes much more hostility instead of diluting the rage that fuels Islamic militancy. Moreover, he noted that Muslim extremists also need to look at and reflect on the existence and perpetuation of hatred in their society that causes them to support militant and violent efforts leading to more chaos or war.            Muslims’ hostility towards the United States is caused by the latter’s foreign policies. Zogby International’s February and March 2003 survey of 2,620 men and women from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia revealed that their â€Å"unfavorable attitude†towards the US is primarily fueled by its foreign policy and has nothing to do with their own cultural or religious values. Another Zogby International survey in summer 2001 held that more than 80 percent of respondents from Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia viewed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as one of the three important issues that affects them. A survey of Muslim â€Å"opinion leaders†done by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press in December 2001 found that US position in this conflict is the main reason for Muslim hostility towards the US. Another report from Pew released on June 3, 2003, titled Views of Changing World June 2003, found that Muslim hostility towards the US has increased from 2002 to 2003. This report, done shortly after the fall of Saddam Hussein, proved that the Bush administration’s war on terror has caused a significant rise in why Muslims feel more hostile towards the US. Another Zogby International poll in 2003 found that most Arabs believed the reason behind US attack on Iraq is because of Iraqi oil reserves and US plan of helping Israel. This belief exacerbated fear from 70 percent of Israelis, Pakistanis, and Turks. According to a 2003 Pew report, they are worried or somewhat worried of a possible US attack to their countries. This finding is linked to another 2003 Pew report that revealed that over half of respondents in Indonesia, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority and almost half of respondents in Morocco and Pakistan named Osama bin Laden as one of the three world figures to whom they had confidence in â€Å"doing the right thing.†Understanding the roots of Islamic militancy is understanding Osama bin Laden’s roots. His hostility began when infidels occupied a Muslim land. This worsened when US deployed troops in Saudi Arabia, leading him to bomb two US embassies in Africa in 1998, and then directly attacking the US in 9/11. Despite this, 95 percent of educated Saudis supported him, as referenced by a New York Times article on January 27, 2002. With all these facts and figures, Munson stressed the need for both the US and the Islamic militants to examine their stands and beliefs because instead of easing the situation, it just keeps on getting worse. I agree with Munson’s contention that both sides need to look at and reflect on their own stands, beliefs, and plans, instead of looking at each other’s mistakes and blaming one another for having a different culture. However, do we see this happening anytime soon or in the near future perhaps? I do not think so because it seems impossible for each side to regard the other’s side as well as the side of the innocent ones that have been shattered and will be shattered because of war. It is easy to point out what needs to be done, however it is so difficult to realize this especially if each side is consumed and dedicated to pursuing its personal end. I do not want to sound pessimistic but probably no God or Allah will prevent future wars because as long as humans remain dissatisfied and selfish, wars are here to stay. Summary of â€Å"Blowback Revisited: Today’s Insurgents in Iraq are Tomorrow’s Terrorists†by Peter Bergen and Alec Reynolds            The article contended that the foreign volunteers fighting against United States’ troops in Iraq will find new targets around the world after the war ceases, just like how international mujahideen, who were drawn in the Afghan conflict, found new attacks that culminated in the 9/11 blowback. The article first appeared in Foreign Affairs, Vol. 84, No. 6, November/December 2005, pp. 2-6. Authors Bergen and Reynolds bolstered their argument by enumerating several examples of where blowbacks were felt, which rooted in the Soviet-Afghan conflict.            Foreign volunteers in Afghanistan regarded the Soviet defeat as Muslim victory that gave them legitimacy and prestige, as well as opportunity to declare jihad or holy war to Muslim countries they think needed their assistance. For instance, Armed Islamic Group (GIA) murdered thousands of Algerians in the 1990s in its attempt to overthrow the government and replace it with an Islamist command.            Moreover, in Egypt, after the 1981 assassination of President Anwar Sadat, hundreds of extremists left the country to train in the Afghan war. When they came back, they led a terror campaign between 1990 and 1997 that killed thousands of people. Egyptian Cleric Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, who was said to have inspired Sadat’s assassins, supported the Afghan jihad and encouraged his two sons to fight the war. He even provided spiritual direction to terrorist group Jamaat al-Islamiyya. Furthermore, he encouraged attacks on New York City landmarks and was sentenced to life imprisonment for bombing the World Trade Center in 1993. However, Jamaat al-Islamiyya’s 1997 attack at an archaeological site in Luxor, Egypt forced his release.            But the most famous alumnus of the Afghan jihad happens to be Osama bin Laden, who carried jihad beyond the Middle East into the United States, Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia. US presence in Saudi Arabia caused his Al-Qaeda’s grievance, leading him to attack two embassies in Africa in 1998, nearly sinking U.S.S. Cole in Yemen in 2000, and finally attacking the World Trade Center and Pentagon in 2001.            The Afghan experience enabled these militants to be trained in warfare and tactics, meet other like-minded militants, and therefore create and inspire a myriad of extremist organizations all over the world. This is what Bergen and Reynolds predict to take event with the foreign fighters in Iraq war; only this time it will be more dangerous. This is because foreign fighters have been battle-hardened, have undergone more rigorous training, and have more knowledge on effective tactics and techniques.            Bergen and Reynolds also stressed the possibility that foreign involvement in the Iraqi war will encourage Iraqi nationals to become international terrorists. Since they are culturally closer to the foreigners in Iraq, they may think of continuing jihad once US troops move out. With US efforts, only a finite number of terrorists can be lured into one place and killed. Moreover, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld already stressed that US lacks metrics to know if they are winning or losing the war and the Bush administration has not actually dwell on the problem of what the foreign fighters can do after the war. With all these, a blowback against US and its allies in Europe and Middle East is rightly expected. If blowback happened after the Afghan conflict, much of the blame should be placed on the US government and the Arab money for funding the war. Now if blowback will happen again, who is to be blamed but the ones who funded the war. It is frustrating that because of all these terrorism and attacks, a lot of innocent lives are destroyed. But it is not only they, the ones torn by the bombings and gunshots, who are victims to these senseless battles. Muslims all over the world are torn by the judgment, name calling, and paranoia of some cultures that fear the own snake they have unleashed. The United States will never know if it has won or lost in the Iraqi war and in the future wars it will be involved in, because the fact is, in a war nobody wins. Everybody is a loser.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Human Trafficking in Cambodia
Name: Chou David Class: Public Speaking Teacher: Kate Westbrook Assignment: Final Exam Human Trafficking Human trafficking is an illegal action that people kidnapped people to be their slavery of doing anything for money or their own good. It`s the possession or trading of humans for the purpose of engaging them in slavery and prostitution through the means of force. It’s the action that everyone is bewared of and scared of. It`s not just effect the victims but also their family, society, county and the world. Every single year the amounts of victims are increasing more and more.It`s a millions of dollars criminal which is the reason why there`re human trafficking. Human are victims every year and people who have heart do know that it`s one of the saddest things on Earth. So, have you had any relative who is the victim? Do you think that this action will ever stop? There`re many types of human trafficking. This means that they are all different. First, Women trafficking is a k ind of trafficking that people sale women as the costumer`s sex partner for money. They`re are not going to work at the same country that they used to lived because they`re going abroad to work in the sex industry.They`re not just the harm in sexual violence and rape but they were threat like the slavery. Normally, those slavery will work as waitress, refugee or prostitute for 20h/day. What cause this to be happening? Yes, because of the need of the traffickers who doesn’t really have money to manage their living situation. Also the parents whose sell their own daughter for the money to survive. But some of them might think that if their daughter still live with them, the baby or daughter will not survive and make them of selling the daughter out of the family`s bad economic issue.The lack of sex knowledge, awareness, and the percentage of illiteracy made this issue happens. This issue leads to the risk of LIFE. It leads the HIV wide-spread more and more. And also will be a b ig threat for the increasing amount of suicides. Second, Men trafficking for labor forces. This kind of trafficking is a serious problem that the international effort is underway to acknowledge and combat this situation. The majority of those victims are adult from 18-44 which has the full strength for labor forces. They were used in the purposes of criminal activities and begging.They were used to work for commonly 12 hours and more. They were threat like slavery and they were feed only one time per day. This makes the kill rate of men increase faster and faster. Since it`s a low-risk business for trafficker because they are not dealing with merchandise. It`s lower risk than drugs or weapons. Those men told themselves to fight but they can’t because they must be killing if they riot. The victim or slavery was threat like animal that they called it nightmare. The rate was increase 6% every year. The third and last type is children trafficking.How crazy they were that treat ch ildren like this? They use them to be the foreign attracter by selling normal things with unusual prize or by being beggars, children in arm force, or can be in the drug trades. Do those kids deserve better? Yes, they do. They deserve to be one of us that can stand here and study for knowledge. If there`re children trafficking, this results the end of a future. This one is an unsolvable issue that no one could think of since it starts. It results as permanent injury or death. So, what do you think about the tears of family?But some of the family sale their own kid to the trafficker to earn money to survive too. The kids will be cut off their legs or arms to look more pity that they can beg more money. If they don’t do the same thing that the trafficker said, they`ll be dead. It effects the whole life, community and the nation. What cause all of these to be happen? The biggest factor is the economic factor that I mention that it is a lower-risk high profit business. The Lack o f access to education and information. A lack of public awareness of the dangers of trafficking.The high profit potential for those engaged in the criminal activity. Gender discrimination. A lack of effective anti-trafficking legislation. These are the main causes or reasons that there`re human trafficking still exist nowadays. But how does it effect to our life? Human rights issue, Health Concerns, Equality did exist but the problem is unsolvable. So, the effects are growing more and more. The illness will widespread like HIV does. Not only HIV but others will be growing like never before. The effect to the family is a shame problem.Some family will just accept the welcome back of victims who can escape but some still think that daughter or girl who is particularly sexual exploitation will bring shame to family. So, some children who are able to escape may return home only to find that they`re rejected from the family. On another hand, the community will also taken effects of human trafficking. Children trafficking are shown to be the major effect on communities. If children are trafficked, it`ll be result that the community is corrupted or failed to protect the members.As a result, children who can escape will be lack of education that they`re less able to secure a job. Also the girls who can escape will be a difficult thing for a marriage because they bring the shame of being prostitute before. The next one is the effect to the whole nation. It results in the lost of potentially future workers. Why? Yeah, because of the injuries, illness and lack of education. And they were doing criminal activity which associate with the drugs and violent that harm the whole nation. So, it`s now known as a significant indicator of national and global security threats.Anyway, there`re ways to stop it if and only if , we join forces together in one to make sure that this will never ever happen again. One question is how? The answer is the plan that governments around the wor ld use. First, the prevention. Bringing up more of the law and educated lessons about human trafficking. Teach people not to be meant or being idiot to trafficked either children or adults. To prevent this we also need to enforcement the law by giving more punishment to trafficker and make them scared of law. Fortunately, the law enforcement of anti-trafficker is working on by the UNICEF.The project of victim assistant which begins first with the victim`s identification. It`s a project that will make sure that the children that escape the cage of nightmare will return home or other appropriate settings which means that they`re taking good care of and will never be re-trafficked again. Child or woman who is illegally trafficked and illegally work as a prostitute will be treating like a victim not the criminal. Finally, the things that I mentioned were about the cause, effects, types of human trafficking and the way to end it.U~N, UNICEF, US Department and more organizations are worki ng on this issue and will find a perfect prevention to this issue. So, I would like all of you to widespread the information to places. If you find out something unusual, you can contact to government, organizations, or the police. If you could think of a solution then you can help with that idea. Especially your idea could work for communities and nations. BEING VICTIM OF TRAFFICKING IS SLAVERY and SLAVERY WILL END SOONER OR LATER!!! Human Trafficking in Cambodia | | |Human Trafficking in Cambodia | | | | | | | | |Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1. 1 What is Human Traffiking ? 1. 2 Objective of studying ? 2. What cause Human Trafficking? 2. 1 The linkage between Migration and Human Trafficking ? 2. 2 Push factor and Pull factors 2. 3 Education 3. Propose solutions Human Trafficking 3. 1 Strenghen the Law 3. 2 Job Skill Traning For Shleter Victims 3. 3Provide Well Educated to People 4 Conclusion. 5. ReferenceIntroduction 1 What is human trafficking? Before delving into the paper, it is necessary to first understand the concept of human trafficking. â€Å"Human trafficking†is mainly defined as the illegal trade of human beings for the purpose of commercial sexual exploration or reproductive slavery. Human trafficking is considered as modern day slavery and it has increased dramatically over the year and it almost occurs at everywhere.It kind of recruitment, transportation, harboring, or taking of persons by means of threat, force, coe rcion, or deception for the purpose of exploiting them, or other form of sexual exploitation, or practice similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. Today there are many forms of human trafficking; victims are forced to work in homes, factories, fishing boats, or in agriculture fields, for employers that keep them virtually imprisoned. Some are forced into sexual servitude, while others must beg on the streets for asking some money from walker along the street.Many victims [1]‘’are tricked, thinking they are receiving a legitimate job opportunity, only to find themselves trapped and unable to leave an exploitive situation. Others are simply bought and sold like property. They are children, women, and men – of all ages. Most of them have no way to ask for help to back home. (Naro, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 2009)’’ 1. Objective of the studying This study seeks to examine whether existing efforts made by the govern- ment and NGOs are sufficient in helping the victims, by examining the following questions: †¢ what are the particular needs of the victims? Has the reintegration process been successful? †¢ what more can the Cambodia government, NGOs and private sector can do to help the victims? What Causes Human Trafficking? 1 The linkage between Migration and Human Trafficking [2]According to Marshall (2001), trafficking is linked to irregular migration, Sometime it happens in destination counties where an increasing number of women in particular become victims to various kinds of abusive, exploitative, and irregular forms of migration associated with trafficking. It is also known as â€Å"blind migration†and the flow of migration from such created the risk of trafficking.The relationship between human trafficking and migration has been the trend of migration that link victims vulnerability to human trafficking when they are isolated from their homes and families. 2 Push Factor and Pull Factor Poverty is an importance factor which has increase women and children’s vulnerability to human traffickers- particularly the poor and the unemployed due to their willingness to join or their low level of awareness on the dangers associated with human trafficking. The Chen Chen Lee reported in 2007 showed that the interviewees cited poverty as one of the main drivers behind their decision to migrated overseas for work. ccording to researcher claims that, the low level of education, family debt, agricultural failure, lack of land and off season work were pushing people to the big cities or to other countries as the men go to instruction, women into service and prostitution. In addition to poverty, the lack of education and unemployment there also significant social and cultural variables that contributes to human trafficking. For instance, cultural norms that perpetuate a lack of respect for women increase the likelihood of them being exploited.Poverty, broken families, landlessness, disasters, uneven economic development, relaxation of border controls, economic inequality between the rural and urban areas are also significant contributing factors to human trafficking. According to the International Organization for migration, based in Phnom Penh, in 2004 the pull factor connected to the push factor whereby people became disillusioned with their community due to extreme poverty. The pull factor is the expectation that destination countries are places better than their impoverished communities and there migrants can earn more money for remittances back home.Thus, it seen that the root causes are push and pull factors through which people who wish to seek jobs for a better living on became victim of human trafficking as well. 3 Education Low education levels contributed to higher poverty levels. Most of the trafficked victims were illiterate for families and communities, One crucial way to increase economic growth would be to emphasize the importance of education as a significant human resource development ( in term of specific skills), thereby aid in alleviating poverty.The education levels of trafficked victims also reflected the national distribution. This therefore illuminates the significant role that the Cambodian Ministry of Education should play for the betterment of the whole country. According to the Ministry of planning, a child can be safe from illiteracy if he or she has completed at least till the fourth or fifth grade if their studies. Nevertheless, a higher education level is needed to ensure a better employment prospects in the future.As stipulated in the Cambodia government’s National strategy plan, Education is the main human resource development factor in helping to alleviated poverty and increase economic growth potential Proposed Solutions Human Trafficking 1 Strengthen the Law Government should play a greater role in encouraging the private sector to work together with NGOs. Insurance cos ts and payment to trainees are currently covered by NGOs. At the end of training period the company is required to accepted the victims as employees. Most importantly, the government, NGOs and private sector must collaborate with one other.Presently NGOs have provided shelters to conduct skill training. The government can thus propose to the private sector to engage in corporate social responsibility by providing support to the victims in term of financial and job vacancies. The benefits for employers would be better skilled workers and their contribution to corporate social responsibility. The Government should put a serious law and fine them in a big amount of money to the trafficker who commits this crime in order to make them scare to commit it again in the future.Not only ordinary people who accepted this law it also apply for the authority power as well. When the law in one society is strong it can reduce the crime of human trade step by step. And it’s not really hard f or government to control it as well. 2 Job skill training for sheltered Victims: NGOs have been conducting rehabilitation programs to provide skills training and employment to ensure that victims can access various options for income generation after reintegration within their families, communities or workplaces. Table:1 Vocational |Female |Male |Job |Female |Male | |Training | | |Expectation | | | |Sewing |75% |29% |Garment |38% |21% | | | | |worker | | | |Electronics |0% |7% |Electronics |0% |7% | | | | |repairer | | | |Beauty salon |25% |0% |Beauty |25% |0% | | | |salon shop | | | |Hair cutting |0% |21% |Baber shop |0% |21% | |Car repairer |0% |7% |Car Repairer |0% |7% | |Motor repairer |0% |36% |Motor repairer |0% |36% | |English literature |25% |29% |Tailor shop |38% |7% | |Khmer literature |88% |29% |Total: |16 |14 | |Total: |16 |14 | | | |The reintegration programs provide victims with the ability to deal with stigmatization, acquire job skills and employment, health care, ed ucational support, as well as food and accommodation. The skills training plays a very importance role and it is through the crucial concept of reintegration that victims can access potential employment for better living and income conditions, It’s also a vital part helping them before being placed back in their workplaces or halfway house for victims who wish to be self-employed as well as family communities. 2. Provide well Educated to people As mentioned earlier, most of the victims possess low of education.Educations is the main human resource development component needed to improve Cambodia’s potential for economic growth. Education should be presented to the young generation in such a way that low educated is linked to issued related to poverty and other negative consequences to life and household income in the future. According to the National Economic Development (NED) policy document 2001-2005, the root cause of poverty was the result of poverty. Education sho uld also include job orientations that apply in parallel with the present job market needs, especially for those living in rural areas. The governments also play an important role in improving job opportunity. The currently rate of job creation does not support the increasing labor supply. 50,000 to 175,000 people join the labor force annually and this is expected to increase to over 200,000 by 2010 (United Nation Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region UNIAP ,2008). [3]However, according to Dr. Chap Sothearith Director of the Cambodia Institute for Cooperation and Peace, the demand for local construction labor demand is increasing in recent years. Rural Cambodia have unfortunately not realize this opportunity due to lack of information. Given this, it is therefore imperative for the government to work with the private sector, NGOS and local communities to disseminate information to the people via television, radio, council communities and villager s in order to reach out the rural and vulnerable job seekers and it also like to encourage them to start new life and dismiss what the past is. ConclusionFor my opinion it’s not easy to stop or eliminated human trafficking in one society but we can do it step by step. Government should provide good education to them to get know how to secure their life from the middle person in community. The human trafficking issues is a humanities issue which usually occurs in backward countries where it involves the poor exploited by those who initially promised income if they been accepted for work place and in accordance with the sector and where they live and narrowness needed. The poor usually have complex financial problems, and this makes them willing to place themselves in anywhere without investigating the background and basic information that what will be their job.Furthermore, they are also lack of knowledge because ignorance about their rights and the importance of understanding how to defend themselves from deceived cause they are unable to get out when hit by this problem. At the same time also, they are lack of exposure, and they are more easily cheated. Thus, measures the best solution is comprehensive, especially the involvement of government in formulating and drafting laws that can protect people from falling prey to problems. Moreover, the involvement of NGOs’ in helping the government solve this problem is appropriate and timely because the NGO’s can carry out the duties that can’t be carried out by Government.This issue will only be done if all the emphasis and direct assistance whether in terms of moral and financial, and suggestions with combating this commercial crimes. References http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Human_trafficking http://biusvspa. blogspot. com/2011/03/conclusion. html. http://cambodia. usembassy. gov/011912_pr. html http://www. rsis. edu. sg/publications/WorkingPapers/WP181. pdf â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚ ¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Neth Naro 29 June 2009 ( S Rajatnam School of International Studies) www. rsis. edu. sg/publications/WorkingPapers/WP181. pdf [2] Marshall, P ( Globallization, Migration and Trafficking in women and children in the Mekong Sub-region ) 8-10 May 2001 Kuala Lumpur [3] UNIAP (2008) SIREN Human Trafficking : (strategic Information Response Network, phase III. March 2008 (v. 1. 0) Cambodia.
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