Friday, November 29, 2019
Microgrid Essay Example
Microgrid Essay Modelling and Simulation of Microgrid Application at RCET Rana A. Jabbar1, Azah Mohamed2, Muhammad Junaid1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Ihsan Ullah1 1Rachna College of Engineering and Technology, Gujranwala, Pakistan 2Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) [emailprotected] edu. pk ABSTRACT Renewable energy resources have got vital importance in present era as fossil fuel reserves are depleting and their prices are fluctuating drastically. The role of these resources in generation of electricity is inevitable in the developing countries like Pakistan, where energy crisis has become a burning issue due to short fall of electricity. Presently the country is suffering from repeated and shocking black outs. Therefore, the generation of electricity through other than traditional resources has become indispensable. In this research paper an innovative concept has been imparted for the development of Microgrid, based upon locally available renewable energy resources, keeping in view the geographical location of Rachna College of Engineering Technology (RCET), Gujranwala-Pakistan. These available renewable energy resources have been integrated to function as a single generating unit for forming Microgrid. The comprehensive modelling and simulation of Microgrid has been performed using MATLAB. The objective behind the development of this proto type model of Microgrid is to design a standby power for RCET Library in case of electricity failure from National Grid. Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) of Pakistan is looking for viable solution to compensate the National Grid and emergency need of individual sensitive consumers since long. Simulation and implementation of this developed model will really be very helpful for all stake holders of power industry nationally and internationally. We will write a custom essay sample on Microgrid specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Microgrid specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Microgrid specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer KEY WORDS Renewable Energy Resources; Microgrid; MATLAB 1. Introduction Microgrid is actually assembly of renewable energy resources able to be operational paralleled or independently from National Grid having capacity up-to Distributed Generation (DG). Microgrid is more modern way for utilizing the available potential of DG, not only in remote area electricity development but also in over coming the short-fall of electricity commercially. Most commonly available renewable energy resources, used for the development of Microgrid, are Solar, Biomass, Micro-hydro, Wind, Fuel Cell etc [1, 2, 3, 4]. Like other developing countries, Pakistan is also suffering from acute energy crisis. The present sources for generation of electricity in Pakistan include Hydro (33%), Natural Gas (35. 7%), Oil (28. 7%), Coal (0. 3%) and Nuclear (2. 3%). Despite the massive availability of renewable energy resources, their contribution towards generation of electricity in Pakistan is negligible. The Maximum demand of electricity in Pakistan is about 15,000 MW, whereas supply demand gap is about 3000 – 4000 MW. The renewable resources used in this research work are Solar, Biomass, Micro-hydro and Fuel Cell. Pakistan located in the Sun Belt is ideal for taking advantage of solar energy. The mean global irradiation falling on horizontal surface is about 200–250 watt/ m2 per day, equivalent to about 1500–3000 sun shine hours and 1. 9 – 2. 3 MWh/ m2 annually [5]. Being an agriculture country, sufficient live stock is available for producing enough animal dung to be utilized in the production of biogas. Following the latest statistical data of AEDB, the available micro-hydro potential in Pakistan is about 2000 MW. Moreover, there is an immense potential to utilize the flow of water in world’s largest canal network, particularly in province of Punjab, Pk [6]. This paper presents a novel approach of Microgrid development in which micro-level energy generation resources are first incorporated with each other to form one generating station controlled by a central unit and simultaneously integrated with National Grid for both way power flow [7]. Conventionally, these DG resources are not integrated with each other and separately run the load, controlled by individual switches [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. The power quality issues involved during the conversion from dc source to ac for Microgrid operation have become the subject of research. Moreover, the study of intelligent control for Microgrid is also in progress [13, 14, 15]. In this research paper, the single control unit is responsible for overall functioning of the developed model of Microgrid supported by the physical location of RCET Grw, Pk, where a Marala Nokhar Link Canal flows adjacent to the college. The complete simulation of Microgrid has been performed using MATLAB Simulink for supplying power to RCET library. 2. Geographical Location of RCET Fig. shows the geographical location of RCET indicating the renewable energy resources and library (load). Fig. 1. Geographical location of RCET Detail of Library load (8 kW) is given in Table I. TABLE I Library Load detail |S/No. |Item |Rating (kW) |No. |kW | |1 |AC |2. 60 |02 |5. 20 | |2 |Tube Light |0. 04 |12 |0. 48 | |3 |PC |0. 45 |04 |1. 80 | |4 |Fan |0. 08 |04 |0. 32 | |5 | CFL |0. 02 |10 |0. 0 | |Total Load (kW) |8. 00 | Shaded portion of RCET power distribution network as shown in Fig. 2, is indicating the location of library being fed from the developed Microgrid. [pic] Fig. 2. Single line diagram of RCET power distribution network 3. Real Models of Renewable Energy Resources at RCET The project for Microgrid development at RCET is divided into two main phases: Firstly, modelling and simulation of Microgrid and secondly, implementation of simulated model practically. For this purpose, three real models have been focused at RCET. Fig. shows the practical Biomass arrangement to produce methane gas (CH4) used directly as input to Fuel Cell or the same methane gas can be decomposed to get hydrogen. In this research work hydrogen Fuel Cell is used for simulation purpose. Fig. 3. Biomass plant at RCET Fig. 4 is indicating the PV Array which is available at RCET for solar energy generation. [pic] Fig. 4. PV Array Fig. 5 is showing the Micro-hydro resource which will be utilized for generation of electricity through Microgrid while implementing the simulated model. [pic] Fig. 5. View of Nokhar Canal flowing adjacent to RCET 4. Block diagram of Proposed Microgrid Block diagram of proposed Microgrid is given in Fig. 6. Fig. 6. Block diagram of Microgrid PV Array and Fuel Cell are dc sources where the Micro-hydro is an ac source of power supply. So, for synchronization the both afore mentioned resources will also be converted in ac supply. Two methods are used to convert the dc sources into ac supply. First is the Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) inverter to convert dc supply into ac supply. The second method is the use of Motor-Generator set, in which dc motor is run by dc supply and then that motor will be used as prime mover for generator to provide ac output at the terminals of generator. Their results are also compared in this research work. Moreover, this combined generating unit of Microgrid is also integrated with National grid for both way flow of power. Whenever the generation exceeds the load requirement, the extra power will be supplied to distribution network of National grid, otherwise it will be supplied by National grid 5. Modelling and Simulation Comprehensive modelling and simulation of Microgrid to run 8 kW load of RCET Library has been performed using MATLAB software. The detail of mentioned software used for simulation is as under: MATLAB  ®, the Language of Technical Computing Version: 7. 6. . 324 (R 2008a), February 10, 2008 License Number: 161051 Fig. 7 shows the Interconnected Microgrid in which all the three renewable energy resources are connected to run the Library load. Moreover, this generating unit is further interconnected with Power distribution system (National Grid) for both way power supply. [pic] Fig. 7. Microgrid Simulation Model Br ief description of resources (PV Array, Fuel Cell and Micro-hydro) used in simulation is as under: 5. 1. PV Array For simulation purpose, PV Array is replaced with a 12 v dc battery, which is boosted up by use of DC/DC Boost Converter up to 320 v dc as shown in Fig. . [pic] Fig. 8. DC Battery DC/DC Boost Converter Fig. 9 is indicating the PWM operation, to convert 320 v dc supply into 400 v ac. [pic] Fig. 9. PV Array Simulation Model using PWM Inverter The above simulation is also performed using Motor-Generator set. Fig. 10 is the Simulink model for PV Array based ac supply generating unit in which Motor-Generator set is used for dc to ac conversion. Output of PV Array is 12 v dc which is boosted up to 240 v dc using DC/DC Boost Converter to run the dc motor. [pic] Fig. 10. PV Array Simulation Model using Motor-Generator Set 5. 2. Fuel Cell Fuel Cell is also dc generation source like PV Array. Here dc is again required to convert into ac supply for integration among the renewable energy resources and also with National grid. For this purpose both PWM Inverter technique as well as the Motor-generator set are used. Fig. 11 shows the hydrogen Fuel Cell in which dc supply is boosted up through DC/DC Boost Converter and after that the same mechanism of PV Array, as shown Fig. 9, is used to convert up to the required ac voltage level [pic] Fig. 11. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Fig. 12 shows the internal model of Motor-Generator set for dc to ac conversion used in Fuel cell. pic] Fig. 12. Fuel Cell Simulation using Motor-Generator set PWM inverter is commonly used for dc to ac conversion. However, Motor-Generator set has also been practiced during this research work. Due to certain inherited characteristics, like increase in technical losses, vibration at starting etc, PMW is preferred considering operational and economic comparison. 5. 3. Micro-hydro Micro-hydro is an ac source of power supply. For simulation purpose, Micro-hydro is replaced with a synchronous generator. Fig. 13 indicates the internal model of Micro-hydro. [pic] Fig. 13. Micro-hydro simulation structure 6. Comparison of PWM and Motor-Generator Set output In the following sections, comprehensive comparison of PWM and Motor-Generator set techniques is given graphically along with tabular form. This comparison reveals that the latter mechanism is suffering from unavoidable fluctuation initially, resulting in undue operational and economic constrains. Keeping in view the above scenario, PWM technique is more advantageous. 6. 1. PWM Inverter The results for PV Array obtained in result of simulation performed using Fig. 7 are given in Fig. 14. Fig. 14. PV Array output Vinv shows the 320 v ac PWM output. VLoad is the desired level of voltage that appears at the load terminals. PL is the Library load. During time interval (0–0. 4) sec, PV Array shares 2. 67 kW (out of 8 kW) of Library load and rest of the 3. 3 kW is supplied to National grid. From (0. 4–1. 0) sec PV Array is supplying total generating power (6 kW) to National Grid. The results for Fuel Cell got in result of simulation performed using Fig. 7 are given in Fig. 15. [pic] Fig. 15. Fuel Cell results During time interval (0–0. 4) sec Fuel Cell shares 2. 7 kW of Library load and supplies 3. 3 kW to National Grid. From (0. 4–0. 7) sec it shares 4 kW of Library load. From (0. 7–1. 0) sec it provides total generated power (6kW) to National Grid. Following the previous pattern, results regarding Micro-hydro are shown in Fig. 16. Fig. 16. Micro-hydro output During time interval (0–0. 4) sec Micro-hydro shares 2. 67 kW of Library load. From (0. 4–0. 7) sec it shares 4 kW and from (0. 7–1. 0) sec it provides all 6 kW to Library Load and reaming 2 kW are contributed from National Grid. The previous results are summarized in Table II: TABLE II Microgrid Power Flow using PWM Inverter |Time |PV Array (kW) |Fuel Cell (kW) |Micro-hydro ( kW) | |Interval | | | | | |PL |Psys |PL |Psys |PL |Psys | |(0–0. 4) sec|2. 67 |-3. 30 |2. 67 |-3. 30 |2. 67 |-3. 30 | |(0. 4 –0. 7) |0 |-6. 0 |4. 0 |-2. 0 |4. 0 |-2. 0 | |sec | | | | | | | |(0. 7 – 1. 0)|0 |-6. 0 |0 |-6. 0 |6. |2. 0 | |sec | | | | | | | 6. 2. Motor-Generator Set Simulation referring to Fig. 7 using dc Motor-Generator set in comparison with PWM inverter is described graphically in this section. Results are also summarized in tabular form. Figs. 17, 18 and 19 are the graphical results of PV Array, Fuel Cell and Micro-hydro respectively using Motor-Generator set for dc to ac conversion where required. Results discussed earlier indicate the initial fluctuation in case of Motor-Generator set is prominent. Fig. 17. PV Array output (Motor-Generator Set) [pic] Fig. 18. Fuel Cell output (Motor-Generator Set) [pic] Fig. 19. Micro-hydro output (Motor-Generator Set) The results are tabulated as under: TABLE III Microgrid Power Flow using Motor-Generator set |Time |PV Array (kW) |Fuel Cell (kW) |Micro-hydro ( kW) | |Interval | | | | | |PL |Psys |PL |Psys |PL |Psys | |(0–6. 5) |2. 67 |-3. 30 |2. 67 |-3. 3. 0 |2. 67 |-3. 3. | |sec | | | | | | | |(6. 5–14) |4. 0 |-2. 0 |4. 0 |-2. 0 |0 |-6. 0 | |sec | | | | | | | |(14–20) |0 |-6. 0 |6. 0 |2. 0 |0 |-6. 0 | |sec | | | | | | | 7. Islanding with National Grid To cope with the contingencies, islanding of the simulated Microgrid with National grid is shown in Figs. 20 and 21 respectively. [pic] Fig. 20. Islanding with National Grid pic] Fig. 21. Internal Structure of Fig. 20 It is clear from Fig. 21 that Microgrid is running 6 kW load. At time 0. 3 sec, 1. 5 kW is added with the system, and at 0. 5 sec another 2 kW is connected wit h the system and at 0. 7 sec additional 2. 5 kW load is connected with the system. Now total load connected to Microgrid (interconnected with National grid) is 12 kW, where 6 kW is shared by Microgrid while remaining 6 kW is supported by National Grid. Fig. 21 shows the results measured by scope in which at time interval 1 sec. the breaker of National Grid is open. The purpose behind this is to produce an artificial over current fault when all the 12 kW load is supposed to be shared by Microgrid, resulting in voltage drop at output terminals of Microgrid. During this operation, the over current and under voltage relays will be operated and consequently additional 6 kW load will be disconnected as indicated in Fig. 21(the position of breaker went to ‘0’ at time 1. 0 sec). [pic] Fig. 21. Islanding results The islanding operating is summarized in table IV as: TABLE IV Islanding operation |Time |Load Shared by|Load Shared by |Breaker |Total Load | Interval |Microgrid |National grid |Position | | |(sec) | | | | | |0 – 0. 3 |6. 0 kW |0 kW |ON (1) |6. 0 kW | |At 0. 3 |6. 0 kW |1. 5 kW |ON (1) |7. 5 kW | |At 0. 5 |6. 0 kW |3. 5 kW |ON (1) |9. 5 kW | |At 0. 7 |6. 0 kW |6 kW |ON (1) |12. 0 kW | |At 1. 0 |12. 0 kW |0 |OFF (0) |12. 0 kW | |1. 0 (Relay |6. 0 kW |0 |OFF (0) |6. kW | |operates) | | | | | 8. Conclusions This novel approach comprising of locally available renewable energy resources and integration of these resources for up-gradation to commercial use will really help the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) and Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) to set their directions while planning about generation of electricity from renewable energy resources to minimize huge gap between demand and supply. Comparing traditional and latest instrumental techniques is really interesting during this research work. Innovative model developed will also help the scientific community at national and international level. For further investigations like the influence of the factors influencing power quality issues is in progress. References [1] Robert H. Lasseter, â€Å"Microgrids and Distributed Generation†, Journal of Energy Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, September 2007. [2] Robert H. Lasseter, Final Project Report, â€Å"Control and Design of Microgrid Components†, Power Systems Engineering Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, PSERC Publication 06-03, January 2006, pp. 20-41. [3] Robert H. Lasseter, â€Å"Microgrids,†in Proc. IEEE Power Engineering Society, Winter Meeting, Jan. 27–31, 2002, pp. 305–308. [4] H. Nikkhajoei and R. H. Lasseter, â€Å"Microgrid Protection†, IEEE PES, General Meeting, 24-28 June 2007, Tampa, FL. [5] Sohul A. Qureshi, â€Å"Scope of renewable Energy Resources n Pakistan†, New Horizons, Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Pakistan, Vol 54, 2007, pp. 151-159. [6] http://www. aedb. org/microhydel_basics. php [7] Hassan Nikkhajoei and Robert H. Lasseter, â€Å"Microgrid Fault Protection Based on Symmetrical and Differential Current Components†, Public Interest Energy Research California Energy Commission, Report coordinated by the Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions with funding support from the California Energy Commission, Public Interest Energy Research Program, under Contract No. 00-03-024, December 2006, pp. 11-19. [8] Robert H. Lasseter, â€Å"CERTS Microgrid†, Panel on Microgrids Systems, International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, April 16-18, 2007, San Antonio. [9] R. Lasseter, A. Akhil, C. Marnay, J. Stephens, J. Dagle, R. Guttromson, A. S. Meliopoulos, R. Yinger and J. 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Mahinda Vilathgamuwa and Poh Chiang Loh, â€Å"A Grid-Interfacing Power Quality Compensator for Three-Phase Three-Wire Microgrid Applications†, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 21, No. 4, JULY 2006. [15] Jiquan Shen, Quanxi Li and Xuyan Tu, â€Å"Study on Cooperative Intelligent Grid†, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE, International Conference on Integration Technology, March 20 24, 2007, Shenzhen, China.
Monday, November 25, 2019
3 Expert Tips for Using the Unit Circle
3 Expert Tips for Using the Unit Circle SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re studying trig or calculus- or getting ready to- you’ll need to get familiar with the unit circle. The unit circle isan essential tool used to solve for the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle. But how does it work? And what information do you need to know in order to use it? In this article, we explain what the unit circle is and why you should know it. We also give you three tips to help you remember how to use the unit circle.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Family values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Family values - Essay Example This paper helps to thus discuss the kind of disparity that has ranged over the years between boys and girls as well as the kind of discipline that reigned between mothers and fathers with respect to bringing up their children. In the nineteenth century, America faced a great amount of debate with respect to the role of men and women within society. In most countries and customs around the world, women were always believed to be the ‘lesser mortals’ and were given lesser preference over men. Women were seldom allowed to work or leave the house in order to carry on with their own lives because their lives were supposed to revolve around their male counterparts, families and households. Women did not receive much education either, because their parents believed that they were to be married by the time they were nineteen or twenty, and thus there was not much scope to study or work after getting married. As time proceeded, women were given more and more importance in society as they began to prove themselves at par with the men. They came up in business, corporate sectors as well as education and extracurricular activities like sports and other cultural related aspects of life. Women began to read and write and the literacy rates went higher up. In the household, in earlier times, fathers had more say over what their children were to do or be when they grew up. In older America, most fathers ruled over the lives of their children, mostly the boys, and they were brought up to believe that their only purpose was to carry on the family name and legacy as well as the business if there was one. Mothers did not have much say in the lives of their children and only cared about the girls with respect to understanding the pain and trauma that the children went through. In recent times however, such a thought process has undergone a vast amount of change as women have truly come up and shined in all aspects. Sports are no longer seen as a man’s domain as women have
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
International Trade and Finance Speech or Presentation
International Trade and Finance - Speech or Presentation Example A trade deficit (excess import over exports) has a direct and stern upshot on the value of the U.S. dollar. A massive trade deficit means that the U.S. is spending more funds overseas than in its own homeland (Colander, 2010). The country’s manufacturing profit is lower than its consumption profit. Trade deficit, combined with the government’s large budget deficit, speeds up the decline of the dollar’s value. The trade deficit, talking in relation to buying power of the dollar, is the third rail of the market (Colander, 2010). The United States formerly used to manufacture goods and sell them, not just here at home, but all through the globe. The country led the way, but not any longer. The shift away from control, in the manufacture of things individuals need, has allowed other nations such as, India and China to pass the country (Colander, 2010). Now the United States has become a buyer rather than a seller (Colander, 2010). Take a product like oil for instance . America imports a lot of oil from the Arab nations. The importers, due to this, take advantage of the United States, and decide to raise oil prices whenever they want. This affects businesses and other normal consumers severely (Colander, 2010). Question 2 In order to comprehend international trade, it is essential to identify what the effects of foreign trade have on the domestic markets, GDP and university students. Foreign trade is fundamentally when nations exchange products (Colander, 2010). If a nation’s net exports are positive, then the nation’s GDP goes up, but if they are negative, then GDP goes down (Colander, 2010). Every state wants their GDP to be greater rather than other nations. Therefore, every state wants their net exports to be positive. It is, however, not possible for every nation to have positive net exports since one or more nations have to import more than they send abroad if the others export more than they bring in. America is one of the ke y contributors to foreign trade (Colander, 2010). In reality, our GDP is tremendously impacted since we are enormous importers. We depend highly on products from other nations than what we sell abroad. This not only affects our GDP, but also has an upshot on our domestic markets since we are purchasing more from nations abroad. For a university scholar who is considering opening a business, as an instance, when they leave school the effects can be tremendous when they enter a market where there is a strong contender abroad. Question 3 The U.S. government makes numerous choices especially when it comes to money matters (Colander, 2010). The crucial question is how these choices, in line with quotas and tariffs, affect foreign trade and relations? First and foremost it is essential to recognize that quotas and tariffs are, in place, to support the government in making choices on how much amount they will agree to have exported and imported (Colander, 2010). Tariffs and quotas, in addi tion, help the U.S. government determine the sum of taxes, which will be collected so as to avoid discarding of those products. Foreign traders are encouraged to play their part in international trade through having exchange rates in place (Colander, 2010). There are also government regulations that help to avert certain products from entering our nation. In reality, the main aim of the U.S. government and the choices, which they make concerning quotas and tariffs, is to do what is paramount for our country to keep it lucrative and
Monday, November 18, 2019
English Composition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
English Composition - Essay Example She returns home, feeling as though she had finished play her role and must pass it on to someone else. What this shows is that by listening in to others, she is able to grasp a little in regards to herself. The point of view is third person, which means the viewing is limited. We are unable to understand how everyone else is acting in the park. The main character is Miss Brill, who appears to be a lonely woman who is fascinated by the world around her. She spends a lot of her time people-watching and inconspicuously blending in with others. The other two characters that had a significance were the young couple; all that could be gathered about them is their dislike for how very few young people were at the park. The other characters consisted of the rest of the park-goers, minding their own business and doing their own thing. The short story takes place in a cheery, bright park on a slightly chilly autumn afternoon. The conflict, however, contradicts the setting. When Miss Brill first comes, she sits and ponders the amount of old people on that particular day. She separates herself from the rest of them, finding them to just be other interesting specimens in her people-watching. After the arrival of the young couple, though, they make her feel as old as she made the other park patrons out to be. She feels the urge to cry, but insists that it is something else. This does not last long, and she eventually gives in to the fact that she must have missed something this morning, something that had been there for a while but never took the time to notice. The dark, depressing conflict contrasted oddly with a beautiful Sunday in the park. The tone of the story was that of false hope. Miss Brill felt sad throughout the story, but kept calling it hope, or the need to sing. "And when she breathed, something light and sad - no, not sad, exactly - something gentle
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Do Violent Films Cause Violence?
Do Violent Films Cause Violence? Media became a long run from history till present time. The motion picture from cartoons and real life human who acts out in plays and movies has developed a strong impact for the future. Before media made its money to develop better programs, technology and colors, media used black and white color so present their form of creativity in movies for people to enjoy. Those movies are often great examples to show people different life experience such as; social life, educational success, leaderships and other lessons that can be taught. Great lessons were able to be spread all around, and new stories were able to be told and perform. Nevertheless, when other companies see that different media is doing a better job, producing better theme, setting, and acting, they began to compete with one another. In order for the producer to keep high viewers, they start to change genres to capture more attentions. In addition, by doing this, most media and its society changed throughout many years, mo vies became more aggressive, convincing, sexually active, emotional, and very epic that caused most people to be violent. Most of these movies that are advertised in newspaper, channel commercials, side walks, and stores, will often persuade younger kids and teenagers to watch horror films, action movies, and unrealistic dramas that are visible in movies, due to their young age. However, most kids have not realized that at young ages, their minds are easily carried away from excitements, and fun advertisement. This changed most peoples personalities, characteristic in some of the ways other than the positives, such as negative; they happen to be more violent; they show more aggressions, and their body action changes. The different types of genre that inspire young kids and teenagers in many aspects that still exist in movies or novels are; Crime, Detective, Horror, Action, Epic/Myth, Fantasy, Gang-involve, Social Drama, and Thrillers. Most scenes show different kinds of violence, those are; domestic violence, abusive violence, and verbal attack that they use in novels or the movies. This is to show people that its an unhealthy relationship, and because now a day, most people are interested in life-drama theme, so they can relate their problems or issues to their partner. Since there are still domestic/relationship problems that involve in every-day issue, American media make most movies like how most problems are like. Hopefully it might show the person to stop being violent to their partner, because its very wrong, and hurtful, sometimes it might not inspire them to change for the better. Nevertheless, the domestic violence that has been going on, made the author decided to film A History of Vio lence, to support those who are getting hurt (McCarthy, Todd). Most television shows, shows the viewers who happen to be a kid, maybe an adult. Whether watching violent shows or playing video games, it has still given a higher chance to persuade younger kids to change in many perspectives. Their personality changes to becomes aggressive, which becomes very harmful to public, after most influences that people fall into. This also depends on the time span that a person would spend their time on watching, learning, or observing. In an article it mentioned, Exposure to violent electronic media has a larger effect than all but one other well known threat to public health. The only effect slightly larger than the effect of media violence on aggression is that of cigarette smoking on lung cancer, L. Rowel Huesmann, of the University of Michigan, and his colleague Brad Bushman said.. Media has a huge impact and inspiration to most peoples life. There is some type of people who likes to live in a fantasy. By doing this, it draws their attention to watch more their-like type of movies, or films. Then people would place their life in the story of the movie. It has changed many peoples lives, other than its attitude in life, but their views on society have changed as well. Before people started to be as aggressive and violent due to the medias influence, people were able to still communicate, get together, great influence to one another. Now its a lot different, people have strong opinion, their ways of thinking has advance, and their body motion are more complex in society. Everything that use to be once romantic, or lesson-learned, and even compromising, has turned into fights, negative influences, and discriminations, etc. There are still people who watches plays like Romeo and Juliet, but since everything in society is advance, most people expects a better theme running in the movie, therefore they have movies that will show a bit of pornography, or movies that are consider bad ass that were advertise coming soon in 3-D, in the movies theater (Markovitz, Adam). Young teens, should look more into the media fields, and realize that even producing new movies, songs, pictures, etc. there are people who has negative personality, and some that are really nice. Certain companies can be discriminate, and make movies based on making fun of another race, and when young kids watch it, they get influenced. The medias job is to entertain the people, and to entertain them in all sorts of way, and one way is to be funny. But kids did not notice that they got most of the jokes from internet, friends, films, plays, TV shows, etc. It is very true that not only creating movie films, or writing novels that can have an epic story line, influencing people to become more aggressive and violent, but violence in a verbally way. This is because watching movies that are just as scary, just as disgusting, horror, etc can also harm a persons health in many ways. Since most parents try to keep their children protected from other harms, or what their becoming will be in the future, they try not to let them watch too much epic shows. The news once mentioned that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ children from attending violent films. Nor does it apply to gory movies already out, such as Gremlins and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. But it will alert parents to the content of such films in the future, (Movie violence gets new label) Perhaps, this is the parents way of raising the kids to not get involve with too much of these genre that may affect their life. Yet, as much as violence are mentioned, most media tries to express their art to public, but forming types of theme into the movie performance. In other words, media tries to show audience that being violence isnt the answer, but for kids, they look at another way. Most think its cool to be involved with gang, after watching specific type of movie. Perhaps as a younger kid, they might not feel that its giving them a negative or positive impact in life, but in a way its showing them new things that they never explored or has seen before, which lures them to try. To be surprise, kids see a scene in some movies, where for examples, underage are prohibit to go into legal age bars, so they use nasty body motions, pushing and shoving, thinking its a way to get through them. In the text it mentioned, Some people think the best way to get people into theaters is to show violence. Sometimes different gangs come to theaters because they want to see movies on the first night, and two gangs get together and fight, (Whats behind the black-on-black violence at movie theaters) However, media is only trying to do its part by producing different type of genre/themes that fits most audience to watch, since now a days, most movies arent has interesting as it once use to be. Verbal violence includes profanities that are often being used in films, and every day languages in the streets, when people fight, when they talk, or even for fun. When people watch films, modern times often use a lot of swear words, in scenes where two people are arguing, and get into fights, every sentences are shout out with swear words. When kids and teenager hear it, they think its a term people should use to express their emotions and style of getting nasty with one another. Its not just in the kids, but most grown up adults uses profanities in their language. Most TV shows, like the Maury Show, tries to censor negative words for people to watch at home. But the ones that are actually watching the show live can hear it. Most producers try to eliminate as much negative influence as possible, hoping that it will change the violence within the nation today. The exaggerated mugging and pantomime required for communication between characters on screen impart a histrionic falsity to the most passionate declaration and turn tragedy into melodrama, (Arts in the 1970s: Overview) Lack of communication is one way people cannot get along, then they find ways to hurt each other, whether its body language, getting physical, or verbal violence, but it is definitely a problem that most people experience, even today. In some problems, Directors argues to censorship. Its very understandable when some producer wants to display the negative language out in the films to show what kind of tragedy that is going on at this time. But most people believe that it will only be harmful to the kids, and what that is coming ahead for kids to get influence. In fact, kids rather have swear words indicate in magazines, movies, and even novel. To them, its a sign of entertainments, or genuine moviemaking situations. As public views the censors, they get bored, or mad, because words are being blocked, and it cuts out some other words that are being used in the sentence, and it annoys the audiences. But television shows like Maury Show has different task each day, and some are beneficial for kids, and adults, so if they have negative language spoken in public, then the show becomes very unhealthy for people to watch on the television. Other television shows like Jerry Springer also censor swear words, but there isnt a beneficial lesson that are being taught in the show. One of the reason people calls themselves and the person who is involved in the situation, they go to the show to argue, and then they fight. Has people forgotten that violence does not even solve anything, it only proves to their enemies that oh I beat you, I am the more dominate, or strongest one, Even though movies separate the level rating for specific age to watch, kids are still able to sneak in theater to watch what is not suitable for them, thats how strong media advertise things. It shows a strong persuasive desire to watch their films. Before movies starts, if there are any warning that needs to be given out to public, it would say on film, The pictures distributor include a warning in advertising that this film may be too intense for younger children. (Bronson, Gail, and Ste Hawkins) Yet, most people ignore it, because they do not bother to read it, theyre too excited to watch whats going to be played in the film. If that is the case, where separating ages so that they have their specific level of movies to watch does not help, then it also proves that most people does not respect the safety that is going on. Movies such as the Hang Over, have gotten many kids to gossip about this movie. All parents want their child to be a great student in school, get good education in school, and to come out to be successful. No parents would want their child getting hang over after parties and parties, or might encounter different type of influence that they do not want their child to be hanging around. When drinking, it changes the persons attitude, they will become very aggression, or more emotional about things. In fact it makes the person very convincing and vulnerable. Just like how most kids from middle school, high school, and the adulthood who has seen the movie Hang Over, should have an idea what it is like. Also if most parents has not notice, but the more demand that they have more a child, the m ore it persuades or motivates them to try to do something the parents does not approve, such as drinking, partying, and even gang involvements. In an article it stated that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦are reporting that parents who steer their kids away from R-rated films usually prevail against peer pressure on kids to drink alcohol. (Study: Parental Guidance on Movies Curbs Drinking) Even so, if most parents that are against it, it still gives the kids an idea to still try. But the kids mind isnt as complex as an adult, so they would not often think about the consequence that they will go through when they get in trouble with drinking. It boost their ability to be much different for a short time span, when a person gets aggressive they rage out of control. Physical fighting are involve with drinking too, some people feel that they get stronger, and unstoppable after they drink, and no one can possible stop them, some just go around looking for trouble to complete their anger or stress. This i s very unhealthy, and they do not need this in their body. Instead of fueling up at bars and then roaming around looking for trouble, potential criminals pass the prime hours for mayhem eating popcorn and watching celluloid villains slay in their stead. (Economists say movie violence might temper the real thing) One of the major issues that are happening in society is that women are being abuse in relationship; it does not necessary means that they are being physically hurt by men, or women, but they are hurt mentally. Violence can be caused in such ways if the men pressure the women to have sex with them, or else they would leave. Most of this problem can be found in movies, to provide people ideas what it is like. But for most of the people, they think its funny, they think its entertaining. Yet, most movie turns on the people into doing it, when movies shows scenes where theres a lot of things going on, it creates a hormones to teenagers and adults into the mood. Media wants the audience to feel like they are being placed in the movie, to know what its like, but when teenagers are watching it, some can be very irresponsible. As for most people, disrespect men would keep their girls around to satisfy them. They would say things that sound convincing and meaningful, to pressure girls to hav e sex with them. When the girl does not, relationship can turn into violent, continuous argument and very abusive. In a magazine it stated, girls often say, its a ridiculous argument to be having because youre never going to solve it. (But seriously) Yet the women insist to stay with the man. Many young children fantasize their life to the story line of the movie, either they wish they could be in their shoe, or they do not want to face reality. Movies portray a strong role for young kid, as their minds are not as settled as older adult. Some kids encounter scenes in the movies where a kid can be the hero if they see a bully, bullying a kid. So when they see that happens in real life, things are often tougher and different from films, but there are kids that try to defend for others, and get into dangerous fight. Unequivocal evidence from a wide variety of studies shows that in the short term exposing children to violence in movies, TV, video games and music increases physical and verbal aggression, and aggressive thoughts and emotions, (Bad influence.[Upfront: news in perspective]) Other times when kids get tempted to do harmful things to females, and much unexpected actions from kids. Perhaps those are times when kids can be the time where they are growing up, and its natural to feel new things, and explore different experience. But some movies consist of scenes where a person can be violently raping a little girl. There can be some psychotic people out there who can be encourage to do that, or be tempted after watching certain films. R-rated movies portray violence and other behaviors deemed inappropriate for children under 17 year of age. (R-rated movies increase likelihood of underage children trying alcohol) Even though these are inappropriate for children underage, these find ways to be difference whether its being violence, fitting in with other groups, and trying to be cool. Watching too much television show can not only turn aggression into violence, but it will affect their education in many ways. There are kids out there, who want to catch up to their episodes, so they sit and watch after every episodes. After watching too much episodes, any sorts of negative or positive impact draws drills into their mind. When they go to school, most that they think about is the television serious they watched all night. When parents want the child to go to sleep, eat, shower, or even do their homework, they refuse to. They will find ways to rebel from their parents into letting them do whatever they want to do. Sometimes if parents gets aggressive, they would either pull the plug from the outlet, take their privileges away from them, the kids would get mad and physical. When they want it bad, they would throw things, break things, and use verbal violence to yell at parents. Perhaps now days, people are more interested in romance series, that also shows more violenc e and sex involved, that keeps them up watching. When you look at the average, todays PG-13 movies are approaching what the R movies looked like in 1992. Todays PG is approaching what PG-13 looked like a decade ago, (Kimberly Thompson). Throughout the media history, motion picture from cartoons and real life human who acts out in plays and movies has developed a strong impact for the future. As modern time uses their form of creativity in movies to show kids what things can possibly be going on in life, it also gives them a bad impact. Nevertheless most movies are suppose to show people different life experience such as; social life, educational success, leaderships and other lessons that can be taught but media and its society changed throughout many years, movies became more aggressive, convincing, sexually active, emotional, and very epic that caused most people to be violent. The advertised in newspaper, channel commercials, side walks, and stores, will often persuade younger kids and teenagers to watch horror films, action movies, and unrealistic dramas that are visible in movies, due to their minor age. However, most kids have not realized that at young ages, their minds are easily carried away from excitement s, and fun advertisement. This changed most peoples personalities, characteristic in some of the ways other than the positives, such as negative; they happen to be more violent; they show more aggressions, and their body action changes.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Free College Essays - Anger in the Work of D. H. Lawrence :: Biography Biographies Essays
Anger in the Work of D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence was probably a very angry man. His writings are full of extremely intense feelings of anger and hate which do not seem to belong. This anger is usually connected to love, but can be classified by what other emotions it is also linked to. For example, in "Second Best," there is no real reason for Anne to feel great fury, yet she does towards the mole. Anne somehow equates the mole with a barrier to her success in love, so she hates it. In "The Shadow in the Rose Garden," the intense anger is connected to jealousy. The husband is extremely jealous of his wife's prior involvement with Archie. In "The White Stocking," the anger is also associated with jealousy. Ted does not like the fact that Elsie has been accepting gifts from Sam Adams. The sisters in "The Christening" have intense resentment towards their youngest sister Emma, who ruined the family reputation. This translates into anger directed at her and the world in general. Lastly, the title character and the Orderl y in "The Prussian Officer" have a love-hate relationship, except one hates, the other loves. The Orderly, as recipient of unwanted love, feels great resentment and anger towards the Officer, so much so that he kills him. Lawrence uses anger as an all-purpose front for and manifestation of deeper negative feelings. For this reason, the anger often seems unnecessary and out of place. Its common occurrence, however, allows us to treat it as a motif. In all of the stories above listed, there are characters involved in intensive love relationships. In "Second Best," "Shadow" and "Stocking," there are either married couples, or soon to be. "The Christening" has a family, and "The Prussian Officer" involves a gay officer. There is something dysfunctional about all of these relationships, however, and the anger exposes it. There is no reason for anger if there is not something wrong, so we know that there is underlying unrest in, Ted and Elsie's marriage, for example. The anger is supposed to hint at trouble, then it is up to the reader to discern from clues in the rest of the text the particular irregularity in the story. In "Shadow" and "Stocking" the anger is among husbands and wives. The two stories are basically equivalent in message and structure: wife has hidden secret from husband, husband finds out, responds with jealous rage. Free College Essays - Anger in the Work of D. H. Lawrence :: Biography Biographies Essays Anger in the Work of D. H. Lawrence D. H. Lawrence was probably a very angry man. His writings are full of extremely intense feelings of anger and hate which do not seem to belong. This anger is usually connected to love, but can be classified by what other emotions it is also linked to. For example, in "Second Best," there is no real reason for Anne to feel great fury, yet she does towards the mole. Anne somehow equates the mole with a barrier to her success in love, so she hates it. In "The Shadow in the Rose Garden," the intense anger is connected to jealousy. The husband is extremely jealous of his wife's prior involvement with Archie. In "The White Stocking," the anger is also associated with jealousy. Ted does not like the fact that Elsie has been accepting gifts from Sam Adams. The sisters in "The Christening" have intense resentment towards their youngest sister Emma, who ruined the family reputation. This translates into anger directed at her and the world in general. Lastly, the title character and the Orderl y in "The Prussian Officer" have a love-hate relationship, except one hates, the other loves. The Orderly, as recipient of unwanted love, feels great resentment and anger towards the Officer, so much so that he kills him. Lawrence uses anger as an all-purpose front for and manifestation of deeper negative feelings. For this reason, the anger often seems unnecessary and out of place. Its common occurrence, however, allows us to treat it as a motif. In all of the stories above listed, there are characters involved in intensive love relationships. In "Second Best," "Shadow" and "Stocking," there are either married couples, or soon to be. "The Christening" has a family, and "The Prussian Officer" involves a gay officer. There is something dysfunctional about all of these relationships, however, and the anger exposes it. There is no reason for anger if there is not something wrong, so we know that there is underlying unrest in, Ted and Elsie's marriage, for example. The anger is supposed to hint at trouble, then it is up to the reader to discern from clues in the rest of the text the particular irregularity in the story. In "Shadow" and "Stocking" the anger is among husbands and wives. The two stories are basically equivalent in message and structure: wife has hidden secret from husband, husband finds out, responds with jealous rage.
Monday, November 11, 2019
5 Parts of the Writing Process Essay
5 Parts of the Writing Process 1. Pre-Writing – Before you sit down to write something, you need to figure out what you are going to write about. 2. Drafting – Once you have planned out your ideas, the next step is to start drafting, or writing. 3. Revising – When you revise, you are looking at the parts of your document and making sure that each part works together to make a coherent whole. 4. Proofreading – When a person is finished the â€Å"writing†step of the process and have revised your work, then it is up to the writer to take a step back and look at the writing for errors and correct them. 5. Delivering – Delivering in its simplest form refers to a text that is meant to be read to an audience. See more: Experiment on polytropic process Essay 5 Resources to Help You Improve Your WritingSkills 1. Writing Clearly: A Self-Teaching Guide by Dawn B. Sova With Writing Clearly: A Self-Teaching Guide, you’ll discover the answers to these questions and many more about the basics of communicating effectively through the written word. Each chapter in this hands-on guide focuses on key steps in the writing process, identifying the shared and differing skills demanded by each type of writing; from a persuasive essay, a business letter, or a scientific report. The straightforward, structured format makes it fully accessible, providing an easy-to-understand overview for everyone from students beginning to build skills, to adults looking to improve their writing, to the experienced writer hoping to further hone skills in a certain area. This book allows you to build gradually on what you have learned at your own pace. Questions and self-tests reinforce the information in each chapter and allow you to skip ahead or focus on specific areas of concern. Packed with useful, up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume is a valuable learning tool and reference source for anyone who wants to develop or improve his or her basic writing skills. 2. Report Writing Skills Training Course by Margaret Greenhall This book makes report writing a step by step process for you to follow every time you have a report to write. Margaret’s understanding of how people read and remember gives a unique view to the process of report writing. This book brings you her tried and tested training techniques to make the process of writing a report straight forward. 3. The Writer’s Workplace with Readings: Building College Writing Skills by Sandra and John Scarry John Scarry and Sandra Scarry present writing instruction in a clear and manageable form, with step-by-step explanations to help build and maintain students’ confidence in their writing. The result of many years of classroom teaching and research, this comprehensive and time-tested resource reflects the authors’ understanding that every student is unique, with different backgrounds and interests that must be accounted for as they engage in the writing process. This offers instructors the opportunity to customize their own version of the book by including or excluding any sections that they do or do not teach in their course-making this a text that reflects not only the students’ needs and experiences, but their instructor’s as well. 4. Writing With Power: Techniques For Mastering the Writing Process by Peter Elbow A classic handbook for anyone who needs to write. This book speaks to everyone who has wrestled with words while seeking to gain power with them. Here, Peter Elbow emphasizes that the essential activities underlying good writing and the essential exercises promoting it are really not difficult at all. Employing a cookbook approach, Elbow provides the reader (and writer) with various recipes: for getting words down on paper, for revising, for dealing with an audience, for getting feedback on a piece of writing, and still other recipes for approaching the mystery of power in writing. By taking risks and embracing mistakes, Elbow hopes the writer may somehow find a hold on the creative process and be able to heighten two mentalities–the production of writing and the revision of it. From students and teachers to novelists and poets, Writing with Power reminds us that we can celebrate the uses of mystery, chaos, no planning, and magic, while achieving analysis, control, explicitness, and care in whatever it is we set down on paper. 5. Steps to Writing Well by Jean Wyrick Writing well is just a step away! This book gives the student the ultimate step-by-step guide to writing effective essays. With the author’s clear, practical advice and student-friendly tone, you’ll find it easy to begin, organize, and revise your writing-from choosing a topic to developing your essay to polishing your prose. Interesting readings in a variety of styles offer useful examples of the types of essays you’ll most often be assigned in your composition and other college classes.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Radio Astronomy in the Desert
Radio Astronomy in the Desert If you drive across the Plains of San Agustin in central west New Mexico, youll come across an array of radio telescopes, all pointed toward the sky. This collection of big dishes is called the Very Large Array, and its collectors combine to make a very large radio eye on the sky. Its sensitive to the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). Radio Waves from Space? Objects in space give off radiation from all parts of the EMS. Some are brighter in some parts of the spectrum than others. Cosmic objects that give off radio emissions are undergoing exciting and energetic processes. The science of radio astronomy is the study of those objects and their activities. Radio astronomy reveals an unseen part of the universe we cannot detect with our eyes, and its a branch of astronomy that began when the first radio telescopes were built in the late 1920s by Bell Labs physicist Karl Jansky. More about the VLA There are radio telescopes around the planet, each tuned to frequencies in the radio band that come from naturally emitting objects in space. The VLA is one of the most famous and its full name is the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. It has 27 radio telescope dishes arranged in a Y-shaped pattern. Each antenna is large - 25 meters (82 feet) across. The observatory welcomes tourists and provides background information about how the telescopes are used. Many people are familiar with the array from the movie Contact, starring Jodie Foster. The VLA is also known as the EVLA (Expanded VLA), with upgrades to its electronics, data handling, and other infrastructure. In the future it may get additional dishes. The VLAs antennas can be used individually, or they can be hooked together to create a virtual radio telescope up to 36 kilometers wide! That allows the VLA to focus in on some very small areas of sky to gather details about such events and objects as stars turning on, dying in supernova and hypernova explosions, structures inside giant clouds of gas and dust (where stars might be forming), and the action of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The VLA has also been used to detect molecules in space, some of them precursors to pre-biotic (related to life) molecules common here on Earth. VLA History The VLA was built in the 1970s. The upgraded facility carries a full observing load for astronomers around the world. Each dish is moved into position by railroad cars, creating the correct configuration of telescopes for specific observations. If astronomers want to focus on something extremely detailed and distant, they can use the VLA in conjunction with telescopes stretching from St. Croix in the Virgin Islands to Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. This larger network is called the Very Large Baseline Interferometer (VLBI), and it creates a telescope with a resolving area the size of a continent. Using this larger array, radio astronomers have succeeded in measuring the event horizon around our galaxys black hole, joined the search for dark matter in the universe, and explored the hearts of distant galaxies. The future of radio astronomy is big. There are huge new arrays built in South America, and under construction in Australia and South Africa. Theres also a single dish in China measuring 500 meters (about 1,500 feet) across. Each of these radio telescopes is set well apart from the radio noise generated by human civilization. Earths deserts and mountains, each one with its own special ecological niches and landscapes, are also precious to radio astronomers. From those deserts, astronomers continue to explore the cosmos, and the VLA remains central to the work being done to understand the radio universe, and takes its rightful place with its newer siblings.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Jamacia Kincaid essays
Jamacia Kincaid essays Jamaica Kincaid is a West Indian born American novelist short story writer, essayist, and journalist. Kincaid began her legacy writing career as a magazine journalist. The Editors of the New Yorker found that Kincaid, an immigrant to the United States, could effectively distance herself from the insights on American culture. They often quoted her in their articles which eventually encouraged Kincaid to write for the magazines Talk of the Town column. When Kincaid began to write her fiction novels it proved a perceptive observer of her native Antigua. Jamaica Kincaids work is a large portion of autobiographical stories and most of the stories often draw attention upon her childhood experiences on the Caribbean. In her fiction, which she is widely and best known, Kincaid examines the intense bonds between parents and children and the effects of the growth process on both generations. Her writing exposes elements from West Indians language folklore, and voodoo. Kincaid is viewe d as a participant in the West Indian literary movement, but white colonialist values are rejected in favor of African or native West Indian modes of expression. Her emphasis on female characters and emotional truthfulness works in her feminist perspective. Kincaids fiction work centers on the intense emotional bonds between mothers and daughters and the feelings that sometimes result from such relationships. Kincaid seems to be a very modest writer, she uses pure passion, her past and curious events, her humor, her craft, her voice, and her instincts. Kincaid also appears to be mostly interested in revealing consciousness in her work. She is truly a great writer of her time and should be nominated for many awards regardless of her color and native. She has a kind of writing thats not only eye catching but eye popping. She gets her reader involved with her native land and her childhood. While one rea...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Geotechnical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Geotechnical Report - Essay Example Most structural design specifications are slowly transitioning into the Load/Resistance Factor Future plans are to develop the material into a structural reliability. Through instruction of structural reliability concepts, an awareness of structural safety design and a better appreciation of expertise will be strengthened among future engineers.. It will also better equip engineers to face possible future revisions of design codes. With a growing population and a very limited land space, the need for Hongkong to exploit subterranean space is obvious, and also acute. Comprehensive and accurate geotechnical information of the subterranean space would be necessary to achieve this objective. Hongkong is sufficiently compact to enable the development of a database of previously collected soil data on a national scale. The database would appropriately integrate with value-added information that would be calibrated against careful benchmarks. For the benefit of the industry, the database could be made readily accessible via the internet. Some of the more tangible contributions are: (a) Future soil investigation may only be carried out to complement the known information. This will optimise future soil investigations. (b) The availability of a comprehensive Geotechnical Information System coupled with accurate analysis and design will lead to well designed projects. Careful and well-designed projects are an essential ingredient in improving productivity. (c) This development which has at its core the development of a comprehensive system will play a major role towards nudging the industry in that direction and hence leads to greater productivity in the construction sector.In Hongkong, large volumes of geotechnical data have been collected over the years by various Government organizations of Singapore such as Housing Development Board (HDB), Building Construction Authority (BCA), Jurong Town Council (JTC) and Land Transport Authority (LTA), and the construction industry of Singapore. However, the data are not placed in a convenient frame work and the data are not available in digital format to other users. Structural Reliability in Engineering Structural reliability accounts for the ability of the structure to fulfill its design purposes throughout a certain design life. Measures of structural reliability come from every process that constitutes the life of a structure (Figure2-1): Most of these measures are random in nature; hence, probabilistic methods are required to quantify the participation of these different random variables in the design in order to determine the overall system stability. Sources of errors that may affect the reliability of a structure may come from humans (i.e. negligence, approximation, lack of knowledge or pure greed) or from nature. Brief I have been commissioned by my client to carry out a preliminary site and design all the civil and geotechnical elements for the project. A series of preliminary boreholes have been excavated in the eastern part of the route and laboratory tests have also been
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Trend analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Trend analysis - Essay Example The clothing line is always in fashion and adjusted to the changing trends. In addition to this, the clothes and accessories are 100 % US made and their designing and manufacturing is not outsourced to other countries. 1. COUTURE CLASSIC: Couture classic is the main source of revenue for the company. It is targeted towards people who love distinctive fabric. The clothes are hand-tailored and cover tailored shirts, pants, vests and leather jackets. According to the company’s sales person, the collection is aimed for high stitching and high sewing. The clothes are custom made and designed according to the requirements of private clients. Keeping in view the company’s product line, the competition in the fashion industry of Los Angeles is very intense. The largest concentrations of fashion designers work in either California or New York. Los Angeles ranks as a global fashion center (industry information of fashion designers). It is the largest manufacturing area in the western U.S. and home of many top designers. A short look at the competitors of Couture, the clothing company is given below: 1. DOMESTIC COMPETITORS: The local competitors of couture are Juicy couture, Oscar de la Renta, Cherokee jeans, 1921 Denim, Butterfly dropout, Affliction clothing, Antic denim, Davinci clothing, Catch a fire clothing, Salvage, Smet clothing etc. These designers cover the â€Å"breadth of clothing lines†under their roofs (Los Angeles fashion industry profile 12) 2. INTERNATIONAL COMETITORS: The international labels competing in the fashion industry of LA, California are Nike, Crossroads, Armani, Levis, Adidas, Diesel, Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci, Armani, Versace, Fendi, Prada, Copula, Ebba etc. In addition to this, the retail and wholesale stores in LA fashion district has made the clothing industry much more competitive. Therefore, Couture has to use forward looking strategies
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