Monday, August 24, 2020
William Butler Yeats
William Butler Yeats assumed a persuasive job in forming present day writing through his utilization of creative and metaphorical verse. For Yeats, imagery was not a masterful element for decorating his verse, rather a methods for powerful and creative communicating his musings on various themes.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on William Butler Yeats explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the sonnet ‘Leda and the Swan’ Yeats presents the ruthless assault of Leda a human, by a swan. The swan is really Zeus, the Greek God in camouflage, who expect the diverse structure just to assault Leda. The sonnet is an amazing introduction of the assault, which is a ruinous demonstration by a celestial animal, Zeus, the Greek God. Imagery and distinctive symbolism have been utilized all through the sonnet. The swan, an image of harmony, honesty and virtue has been utilized to lead a terrible, dangerous and fiendish act. Yeats’ utilization of emblematic words and suggestive language present the peruser with the away from of the odd demonstration †a swan assaulting a human. In the accompanying passage from the sonnet â€Å"Leda and the Swan†, W. B. Yeats distinctively and emblematically communicates the cold and ruthless demonstration of Leda’s assault by the swan (Zeus). â€Å"A unexpected blow: the incredible wings beating still Above the stunning young lady, her thighs touched By the dim networks, her scruff trapped in his bill, He holds her assistance less bosom upon his breast.†(1-4) These initial lines of the sonnet present a clear and frightening image of the forceful fierce assault of Leda by the Greek God Zeus, who has changed into a swan to safeguard his character. Yeats acquaints the peruser with the forceful and awful act making a need to keep moving with the words, â€Å"A unexpected blow: the extraordinary wings beating still†. The line plans and starts the peruser into the rough demonstration of assault which is going to happen. Leda is a â€Å"staggering girl†, a defenseless survivor of assault by a swan with â€Å"the extraordinary wings†. The wings of the swan represent the quality, speed and intensity of the feathered creature. Words, for example, â€Å"blow†â€Å"beating†â€Å"staggering†â€Å"dark webs†represent the barbarity and the power of the demonstration of assault. The term â€Å"great†represents the godlikeness of Zeus who is the spirit inside the swan. Leda is shocked by the assault. It is out of nowhere that she finds â€Å"her thighs touched by the dim webs†of the swan. The demonstration of assault is in itself an introduction of the celestial power, Zeus (the swan), assaulting the feeble human soul Leda.Advertising Looking for article on english writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Zeus is divine when cont rasted with Leda who is human; Zeus has â€Å"great wings†and â€Å"dark webs†while Leda is a powerless â€Å"staggering girl†, an away from of vulnerability with her neck â€Å"caught in his bill†. Zeus utilizes his strength and power to control Leda as he yields a â€Å"sudden blow†to her. These clear words loan a differentiating feeling of intensity and lack of definition to the swan, which is really an image of harmony, virtue and class. As per Greek folklore, Zeus, the Greek God appears as a swan to assault Leda. The winged animal, a swan is really an image of harmony, immaculateness and excellence. Zeus camouflages himself as a swan and gives it a terrifying and dangerous appearance with the awful demonstration. Yeats presents the swan emblematically to balance Zeus’ appalling act with the style and virtue a swan speaks to. The swan has been utilized by Yeats as an image of brutality and dread interestingly with the more well known theme of harmony and magnificence. This exposition on William Butler Yeats was composed and presented by client Maritza Langley to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethics Essay Essay
The hypotheses of ideals, utilitarianism, and deontology are comparative in certain viewpoints however generally are altogether different. Every one of the hypotheses will be disclosed to show their disparities and the kind of individual that would float towards that hypothesis. Through the clarifications one would likewise have the option to consider where there ethics or morals may lie yet can likewise observe themselves in every hypothesis. The Virtue Theory, additionally know as Virtue Ethics, alludes to the character of every individual. This hypothesis expresses that each individual should go after greatness. The qualities of every individual are made up from their condition that they are a piece of. The hypothesis would additionally recommend that it isn't characterized as a solitary second in each individual’s life however their whole life all in all. In pondering the Virtue Theory, it tends to be clarified by expressing that every individual should be as well as can be expected and keep away from the need or capacity to hurt others. In Basic morals: Basic morals in real life it discusses Aristotle and his view on righteousness morals to incorporate attributes or ideals of a person. There are some that Aristotle would recommend to be simply the middle or excellencies, for example, fortitude, restraint, appropriate feeling, and benevolence to give some examples. Auditing these standards of what attributes an individual should forces would or could be viewed as regular qualities of most people on the planet today. In the oversimplified structure the uprightness hypothesis is about better one self and the others that are around them. Deontology Theory expresses that there is an ethical obligation for one to act regardless of the conditions. This hypothesis is assisted by the point of view of not thoroughly considering any activities or the results but since it is move that is made is correct. â€Å"The word â€Å"deontology†originates from two Greek words, deion+ logos. Deion originates from the molecule dei which implies â€Å"must. †Logos (in this specific situation) implies â€Å"the account of†(Boylan, 2009). In separating this, it shows that is the record of the musts. In significance one must follow up on the record of others or for themselves. Deontology hypothesis can be seen inside those people that give security to another without question regardless of the inalienable threat. The will to act is appeared through this hypothesis, for example, that would be considered of the Spartan Army. The Spartan Army would not ask what number of solid are the adversary however where the foe is. Utilitarianism Theory is one that epitomizes the idea of dealing with the entire gathering and not the person. This hypothesis is an ethical hypothesis as we see needing to improve the gathering. It must be our ethics to drive us to need what is best for a gathering. On the off chance that one individual is more grounded recorded as a hard copy than another throughout the task, at that point the more fragile essayist may request that the more grounded one dominate. It is knowing your own shortcoming and asking or prior your own magnificence to better the gathering that you are a piece of. One that can put aside their pride is a far superior individual and shows their actual feeling of ethics. In pondering an individual encounter to be talked about in mix with one of these speculations, I hold returning to the hypothesis of utilitarianism. The explanation being that I realize I have an alpha character, implying that I like to be in charge and have the control. I will in general leave this piece of me outside the homeroom to have an unmistakable head and to permit the learning groups to work increasingly strong with different individuals. It has been my experience that issues have emerged in every one of the gatherings that I have been a piece of. This is either because of absence of support, powerlessness to convey or the plain certainty of apathy. I have halted from going up against the colleague various occasions so as to keep the group moving the correct way. Later in the class the issues proceed to fabricate and that is the point at which I will go up against the individual and endeavor to manage the issue. I feel that in putting aside my alpha mindset and holding on to defy the individual is a path for the advancement of the learning group as entirety.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
An Action Potential and How Neurons Fire
An Action Potential and How Neurons Fire More in Theories Biological Psychology Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Psychosocial Psychology How do neurons transmit signals throughout the body? One part of this transmission process involves what is known as an action potential. An action potential is part of the process that occurs during the firing of a neuron. During the action potential, part of the neural membrane opens to allow positively charged ions inside the cell and negatively charged ions out. This process causes a rapid increase in the positive charge of the nerve fiber. When the charge reaches 40 mv, the impulse is propagated down the nerve fiber. This electrical impulse is carried down the nerve through a series of action potentials. Prior to the Action Potential When a neuron is not sending signals, the inside of the neuron has a negative charge relative to the positive charge outside the cell. Electrically charged chemicals known as ions maintain the positive and negative charge balance. Calcium contains two positive charges, sodium and potassium contain one positive charge, and chloride contains a negative charge. When at rest, the cell membrane of the neuron allows certain ions to pass through while preventing or restricting other ions from moving. In this state, sodium and potassium ions cannot easily pass through the membrane. Potassium ions, however, are able to freely cross the membrane. The negative ions inside of the cell are unable to cross the barrier. The cell must activity transport ions in order to maintain its polarized state. This mechanism is known as the sodium ion pump. For every two potassium ions that pass through the membrane, three sodium ions are pumped out. The resting potential of the neuron refers to the difference between the voltage inside and outside the neuron. The resting potential of the average neuron is around -70 millivolts, indicating that the inside of the cell is 70 millivolts less than the outside of the cell. How Do Neurons Work? During the Action Potential When an impulse is sent out from a cell body, the sodium channels open and the positive sodium cells surge into the cell. Once the cell reaches a certain threshold, an action potential will fire, sending the electrical signal down the axon. Action potentials either happen or they dont; there is no such thing as a partial firing of a neuron. This principle is known as the all-or-none law. This means that neurons always fire at their full strength. This ensures that the full intensity of the signal is carried down the nerve fiber and transferred to the next cell and that the signal does not weaken or become lost the further it travels from the source. After the Action Potential So what happens inside the neuron after the action potential has taken place? After the neuron has fired, there is a refractory period in which another action potential is not possible. During this time, the potassium channels reopen and the sodium channels close, gradually returning the neuron to its resting potential. Once the neuron has returned to the resting potential, it is possible for another action potential to occur and transmit the signal down the length of the axon. Different Parts of a Neuron
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Crisp Air By Amy Winehouse - 1060 Words
The crisp air encompasses the paper I wrote last year for English- an essay on World War Z. A photo of me and my mother from our vacation to Mexico floats by and then is lifted up, twirling around the white marble on blue satin. Through all of this, soft, fluid music glides. I recognize the song: â€Å"Valerie†by Amy Winehouse. When people talk about iCloud, this is what I picture my â€Å"cloud†looking like  all of my hard work, my memories, good and bad, my favorite songs, that embarrassing video from last Christmas, all hovering across clouds in the sky. What is this â€Å"cloud†everyone is talking about, though? Where is it? Is it a legitimate place? Why is it that everyone uses it, yet no one seems to know what it is? When talking about iCloud, the â€Å"ignorant American†stereotype shines bright. Sort of like how we are all fat. And loud. And rude. However, in this instance we fit this notorious stereotype. Honestly, no one knows what it is. Ask the person next to you. Can they explain it? No, they cannot. Told you. This past summer I got a new phone and computer for reasons privileged children get new phones and computers: none. I went to the Apple store with my mom and as the overenthusiastic bald man set up this and that on my new devices, he asked me if I used â€Å"the cloud†or if I wanted to purchase an external hard drive. I turned to my mom for the answer, like any child does, but unfortunately realised this was another one of those adult moments. You know, like having to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The Wire - 922 Words
The first time SPQ interviewed actor and Pittsburgh native Carl Clemons, he was part of HBO’s awarding winning series â€Å"The Wire.†Since the show’s conclusion, he has kept himself working as an actor in a variety of acting roles. â€Å"These past few years I have experienced personal trails tribulations. Working in the film business is not as easy as it seems.†Carl shared. There is saying in the film business that many great scenes are left on the cutting floor; it’s not an idle phrase, but truth. Carl has experienced this not once, but twice. Once during the filming ‘South Paw,’ starring Jake Gyllenhaal and 50 Cents. Carl went up for a featured role, but did not get the call back. Not to take rejection nor the opportunity to work with Pittsburgh native award winning Director, Antoine Fuqua, he humbled himself to a role as a movie extra. Not long into filming he ran into fellow actor, Tyrese Gibson, who had a featured role in the film. His friend asked, why he was a movie extra? After discussion and finagling, Carl was offered the role as Tyrese’s character’s friend. In the editing, Tyrese’s entire character was cut, as Carl’s character. The second experience happened while filming ‘Out of the Furnace’ with Christian Bale. â€Å"It was only a seven-minute scene, but it was powerful,†said Carl. His seven minutes of what might had been his personal Oscar winning scene, lay on the editing floor. Anyone with less passion and determination, might have walked away,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Wire 916 Words  | 4 PagesLast time SPQ spoke with actor and Pittsburgh native Carl Clemons, he was part of HBO’s awarding winning series â€Å"The Wire.†Since the show’s conclusion, Carl has kept himself busy with the continued development of his craft through multiple acting roles. â€Å"I have learned a lot these past few years thro ugh my own trails tribulations working in the film business,†he shared. 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Joan Crawford demonstrates the personality disorders of Bipolar Disorder, Histrionic Disorder, NarcissisticRead MoreMommie Dearest : Movie Analysis1325 Words  | 6 Pages person’s ability to cope with everyday life. Personality disorders are patterns of inflexible traits that disrupt social life or work and may distress the affected individual (Rathus, 2010). One way to learn how to identify these disorders is through movie analysis. Movies can help the understanding of psychological and personality disorders because people can get a better understanding from a â€Å"show me, not tell me†aspect. It is hard for a student to understand what these disorders actually are unless,Read MoreFaradays Law1667 Words  | 7 Pagesthe voltage across it changes the way it does when the north or south pole of rod shaped magnet is moved into and then back out of the center of a coil of wire at various speeds. No calculations are required in this activity, just thinking! Figure 1: The north pole of a cylindrical magnet is: (a) moving into the center of a coil of wire; (b) reversing direction; and then (c) moving out of the coil. The coil’s voltage vs. time is recorded with a computer interfaced voltage probe. TheoreticalRead MoreMomie Dearest : Psychological Disorders In The Movie Mommie Dearest1168 Words  | 5 Pagesand motion pictures to detect and analyze disorders. For example, in the movie â€Å"Mommie Dearest†, it is not hard to identify the psychological and personality disorders Joan Crawford possesses, despite not being trained psychologists. After viewing the movie and analyzing the character, it is clear to see the Joan Crawford possesses the disorders of Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissism, and Bipolar disorders. Throughout the movie Mommie Dearest, it is clear that the most prominent personality disorderRead MoreEssay on Production Report1087 Words  | 5 PagesThriller Movie, a Children’s Television Programme, A magazine or a Radio Advert. After looking at them carefully, I decided to produce an opening sequence of a Thriller Movie. The sequence had to be at least two minutes long. For this I had to Analysis three existing Media Texts, make a storyboard for my movie, a script for the story, planning a schedule, making the actual production, etc. when I was thinking of the filming, I had to think of a thriller movie that wouldRead MoreThe Film War Horse By Michael Morpurgo1575 Words  | 7 Pagesits viewers would not see War Horse as a true representative of what the war was really like. It is how the use of camera movement in War Horse connected to almost all movie goers, even though it goes against a ‘conventional Hollywood movie script’ (Madigan 2012, 48) that will be the starting point of the films camerawork analysis. Unlike Pulp Fiction there is a linear narrative present meaning spectators need to be able to clearly follow and understand the actions and events portrayed. 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Why Me Free Essays
What was I going to do My mom was going to freak out on me. Oh no! Not my Dad, he is going to kill me. I have no idea what I am going to do Who is going to be there for me and help me get through all this. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Me or any similar topic only for you Order Now At this point I had no idea what to do. I sat in my room crying and praying to God to get me through all of this and give me courage to tell someone what was going on. Tina, I barely said crying to my sister as she answered her cell phone. Whats wrong My sister replied. Tina†¦ I need to talk to you please help me†¦ Im scared, I said hysterically crying. Why Maria What is going on Where are you she asked in bothered manner. Im here at home. Please dont be mad at me, I need you, I said barely even enunciating my words. Maria, I need you to calm down, hon tell me whats going on, she said in a soothing concerned voice. Tina, I said with tears pouring out my eyes. I found out that.well Im pregnant. Oh honey, are you sure Ill make a doctors appointment for sure, but until we know for sure dont say anything. So calm down and Ill call you later. I love you, Tina told me. I love you too! Thanks. I said with a new feeling of comfort. I know my sister would be there for me, but I was astonished in how understanding she was about this. She went with me to the doctor and when we found out that I was ten week into my pregnancy. She talked to me about all the options. It was clear to me that it would be hard to have a baby so young, but I knew I had to keep my angel, I would have to face the consequences of my actions. The next two weeks were the longest weeks of my life knowing in seven months I would be having my own little angel. Right then I knew I had to change my life. I tried to get back in the jest of things at school but there was no way I could pass with all that I had missed. So I started working and saving money, but as things started to go straight and I got my head back on my shoulders, I had a miscarriage. I cried in pain because my baby was gone and I couldnt do anything to get my angel back. Maybe it was for the best because God knows what hes doing. That was my wake up call, to start over get things straight for my own good. Im in my senior year doing everything I can do to succeed. Working as hard as I need to, in order to get in a University and be successful, not for just me but for my angel that will come back later in my life when Im more ready and prepared. I have no regrets, because my trust is in God, and I respect His decision. So now I need to do my part and Im willing to work as hard as I need to, to be what I need to be. Its crazy to think that I probably wouldnt even be in school writing this because I would be having a baby any day now. I wonder why this had to happen to me, and when I think about it I just want to cry because a part of me has died. Although, Im also relieved, because I know God did this to open my eyes and make me turn my life around. Now Im working as hard as I can to make my dreams of going to college and being successful come true, not for any body else, but myself and my little angel. How to cite Why Me, Essay examples Why me Free Essays And that’s when I walked away, I don’t think my stomach or my mind could’ve taken one second more of it. I literally couldn’t believe my eyes and God knows I didn’t want to. I wish it were a dream, I’d even settle for a nightmare but this there was no waking up to, this was real and it was happening to me. We will write a custom essay sample on Why me? or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I first joined the force I thought I could handle anything and everything, you know I was one of those people who could watch the most gruesome horror movie on Film Four and not blink an eyelid. Or watch my best mate throw up what seemed to be a hundred litres of lager after a night out without my stomach even twitching. But this was different, this wasn’t some murder mystery on the box or a new horror movie out at the pics’, this was real. This was reality in the police force. You hear about it everyday at work and how much they effect you and mess with your head especially when it’s your first but you never understand till it happens to you yourself. I thought I was prepared for this sort of thing, I mean people die everyday and it’s something that you have to learn to accept, but not like this, no one should have to leave this earth in that much pain and fear. They do try and prepare you for this sort of thing, but seeing photos and reading past statements and accounts is no where near to what I needed to prepare me for what I witnessed. In fact nothing can prepare you for this, not even yourself. I dream about it you know, nearly once a week, up until a few years ago it used to be every night so I suppose that’s an improvement. Ever since that moment hundreds of questions have swamped my mind and one that keeps coming back to me every second of every day, how ever selfish it may seem is why me? And I know that must be the coldest thing that has ever passed my mind, taking into consideration the amount of pain, mental torture and suffering that that poor women went through. But when all your fears come together and throw a surprise party just for you, when flashbacks come and haunt you every night and the slightest little reminder throws you into a panic attack, you have to think of yourself and what this has done to you and what it will continue to do to you for the rest of our life. Just goes round in my head over and over, why me? Why on my shift? Why couldn’t it be someone else? Why won’t it stop? Life has never been the same since then as I’m sure you all know, however great the trust is between me and the other person I just can’t open up to them. I never could and I doubt I ever will, but this is my attempt. I knew if I did tell someone that they wouldn’t understand and when I think about it, I wouldn’t want them to. Even Steve and me can’t talk about, I think we both want to but every time we try there is an awkward silence and even just seeing him brings it all back to me. At the time the Chief Inspector recommended that we went to see someone, whether together or not, you know like a psychologist or something, but what could they have possibly done or said to make our situation anymore bearable? If I couldn’t and still can’t talk to people who are the closest to me like my daughter and my best mate and now Steve then how could I sit in a room with a complete stranger and spill my thoughts, it’s just not going to happen. It’s like me and Steve are the only two people who know what it was really like; to be there, to hear her last life clutching sentence, to witness her last breath and not be able to do or say anything that would help her in anyway. It’s that feeling of helplessness and failure that cuts you up inside. It will be fifty-two years tomorrow since that horrific event and I’ll tell you that not a single day has past by when I haven’t thought about that evening, when it hasn’t replayed over and over in my mind. That poor women, poor Lynda, she didn’t deserve any of it. I’ll go and pay my respects in the morning, lay the same flowers that I have done every year and cry the same tears that I do every night as I pray. By now you’re all probably wondering why I’m writing all this and why now? Well as you are all fully aware I’m nearly eighty-six and I don’t know how much time I’ve got left. So I just wanted to try and explain in brief what happened back then that made me into the scared, frail man that you see today. I hope that it hasn’t affected you a tenth of what it has for me. I’m sorry for not being able to be strong for my grandchildren and for myself, please forgive that. Don’t be sad when I’m gone because hopefully heaven will be the one place that that day will not affect me. I love you all and thank you with all my heart for putting up with me over these hard years. Look after each other and be happy. How to cite Why me?, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Amrican Red Cross Case Study free essay sample
The American Red Cross (ARC), founded in 1881, is an independent organization, supported by public financial donations and volunteerism. Its mission is to â€Å"provide relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. †Despite having a great visionary and doing great cause, ARC was, and still is, facing lot of unethical issues. High rate executive turnover, slow response to disasters, mismanagement of donations and funds, and no background screening on their volunteers are few of the examples. Ethical culture Ethical culture of an organization is the guidance or principles to determine if one’s action is right or wrong. It is usually created by the top management. In the American Red Cross case, there were questions regarding of the leadership of the organization. The problem began with high turnover rate in the executive level. The organization saw a frequent change in the president and chief executive officer position. We will write a custom essay sample on The Amrican Red Cross Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The constant change in leadership is debilitating and does nothing to address the problem. Instead of fixing the problem by strengthen the core of the organization, they chose the easy way out. They kept firing and hiring new candidate for the top management. ARC spent a large amount of time and money to search for the right person. In the case of Healy and Everson, the board spent two years and eighteen months and came up empty. Also, it was frustrated to see there was no punishment for the top managers’ wrong doing. The organization sent out large severance packages for ousted executives, no matter how short the term they served. When employee saw there was no punishment for their unethical behavior, they repeated and cashed out when their time was over. The American Red Cross did not have a robust ethical culture. And, the problems were created because of it. Problems with Handling Donation Money After the September 11 attacks on the New York City’s World Trade Center, the ARC was called upon to help the victims. There was a huge amount of donations poured in at an unbelievable rate. The organization received $543 million in donations. Instead of distributing these donations to the victims and their family, the ARC kept more than half. Its reason was to spend these donations on the organization and make it better prepared for the future catastrophes. It raised lot of attentions from the media and the donors. Donors felt their monies were not rightfully used. They felt the ARC did not keep their promise to provide aids to those in needs. Instead, the ARC used the donation money for its needs. After a U. S. congressional hearing in November 2001, the ARC announced all the monies would go to the September 11 victims and families following by the resignation of Healy, the ARC’s president. Another disaster struck during August and September of 2005. The ARC was once again called upon to assist the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Katrina was one of the strongest and costliest hurricanes ever recorded in the Atlantic. Rita was even a larger storm. The ARC raised more than $2 billion in private donations to help relive for both of the disasters. But, the ARC failed again to deliver these funds to those victims and their family. The public was left unhappy and frustrated by the poor and untimely effort of the ARC to help the victims. The ARC did not take advantage of the assistance of FEMA. Instead, it questioned FEMA’s ability to carry its duties. During their disaster relief, FEMA and ARC officials blamed each other for not following their roles and responsibilities and failed to communicate with each other. Along with the failures in communication between FEMA and the ARC, accusations about improper management of donated funds and criminal-background volunteers stirred up the attention of the public. The ARC did not apply ethical standards when it comes to hiring volunteers. They did little to none when it comes to background screening for their volunteers. Volunteers reported the disappeared of rented cars, electricity generators, and more than 3000 air mattresses. Some of these volunteers had arrest warrants or other felony charges in their backgrounds. They were working around computers and systems that allow funds to be added to debit cards for immediate use by the hurricane victims. These funds could be easily misused by dishonest volunteers. Ethical Dilemmas There were multiple reasons that contributed to ARC’s ethical dilemmas. First, it happened at the top level. Top executives committed fraud and received undeserved benefits. Punishments for such actions did not exist. They repeated and committed these unethical behaviors. Second, the organization mismanaged the money from donations. Victims and their families did not receive the funds they need in time or in full amounts. Lot of these donating monies were cut off and used for other purposed. The organization did not complete their duties and follow their main purpose. Last but not least, the ARC’s impartiality was impaired. It made an unethical decision when they partner with big corporate companies. The ARC’s policies prevented the organization to use such cause to benefit itself and the companies it partner with. It is its duty to scrutinize the corporate donations and make ethical decision with these donations. In conclusion, the American Red Cross has an obligation to fulfill its charter’s expectations and deliver these promises effectively and efficiently. The ARC staff and volunteers need to be well managed by ethical and capable executives. These executives must always followed their duties and perform their job at the highest ethical level. Relationships between the organization and private corporations should be continued, but, must follow the framework of ethic. These relationships will provide great opportunities to help aiding the victims in needs as long as there will be no unethical interactions or associations. Organization Structure and Compensation ARC’s history of awarding executives with big bonus and severance is the main reason contributed to unethical behaviors among chief executives at ARC. Bernadine Healy received $1. 9 million in salary and severance pay upon her departure in late 2001. Marsha Evans received a total of $780,000 in 2005, included a $36,495 unpaid bonus. These were the prime examples how ARC’s structure and compensation operated. They had a very favorable punishment for those executives who committed unethical behaviors. Instead of taking away their money in fines, the organization gave these executives more money. As a result, these unethical behaviors were repeatedly happened over again from time to time. Conclusion In this case study, the American Red Cross was known for its high turnover rate in executives, mismanagement of funds and volunteers, and unethical corporate partnerships. The image of an organization that helps and supports the victims of disaster were negatively affected by these unethical behaviors. It is up to the organization to turn around and fix these issues.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Essay Sample on Marriages Why Do They Fail
Essay Sample on Marriages Why Do They Fail The marriage is considered to be the combination of two lives for passing the Life span with mutual interest. According to an other saying Husband and the wife are considered the wheels of vehicle if any one of them faces problems; the other will likely suffer the same. There are two types of marriages prevalent in the world. The First one is Love marriage and the other one is arranged marriage. In western countries mostly the love marriages are preferred over the arranged marriages because they have open society norms. But in Eastern Countries mostly the marriages are arranged by the parents of the boys and girls. The nature and problems of the marriages vary from the type of society. There are some societies where the marriages are regarded good and lawful relationship between the Wife and husband and it last for long time. But in the west in some countries, there are several problems because both the wife and husband have to work and look after the children. There are usually rifts upon the family background of the either side, financial matters and other domestic problems which cause divorce or separation legally from the life partner. Main reasons of failure: The main reasons of failure are giving below. These are related with natural, human relationships in marriage: 1. It is observed that often couples fail to anticipate differences which result from diverse cultural backgrounds, differing family experiences, gender, and so on.. 2. The Couples fall into the concept of a â€Å"fifty-fifty†relationship, meaning they honestly expect their spouses to meet them halfway on all aspects 3. The society has taught us that mankind is basically good. Therefore, often the couples fail to anticipate and assess their self-centered natures that demand their own way. 4. The married couples fail to cope with life’s trials or hard times . When painful trials come into the marriage, instead of standing together through them, couples tend to blame each other or in other words think something is wrong with the spouse and the way they handle the pain and this leads to their separation . 5. Many people have got a fantasy view of love and life . They abruptly feel stuck with person who does not appear to loving and become deceived into the wrong belief that the next one will be better than the current .. 6. it is also observed at large scale that many people lack a vital relationship with region background . It could be that they have never come to a specific point in time when they asked their deities into their lives as a result he has no impact on the marriage relationship. 7. The Marriages are often forced , in such condition the circumstances lead to divorce due misunderstanding between the Couple . They are married with the will of their parents . They do not appear to interested in them selves. 8. The women are very jealous with other women so they do not want their love divided in two parts , this is an other important cause of failure of marriages . 9. The heavy drunkards often beat their wives and inflict punishment which causes a serious reaction and the circumstances lead them to separation. 10. There is an other common failure of parenting is to not instill principles in children. They are merely programmed like read only memories. That is, they are told what to do in different situations instead of being given the moral, economic, or health principles involved. As a result, the children form their own principles from the statements from their parents, which seldom are the principles that the parents wanted to instill. Measures to escape marriage failures: Now the question arise how to escape the failures of marriages. Well to sustain the successful marriages the following point will be useful Firstly the marriages should not forced or conditional which may cause initial displeasure which lea to divorce. The like-mindedness is an other asset to sustain a successful marriage. The marriages both either arranged or love marriages may considered as the most important relations between the couple and they should be cooperative to each other and forgive the small rifts otherwise they will occur as big problems and lead to divorce. Finally the Wife and Husband has sacred relations in all religions of the world , so they must care each other as their impact quarrels may not affect the Life and nature of their children after their birth. It is generally observed that divorce is the legal right separation of both husband and wife , but it may practice when there is solution otherwise divorced woman has no value in the society as compared Husband who can marry any girl . Finally the marriages are very sensitive relations so they have some critical nature of notion. All depends upon both the husband and the Wife to spend the life in such a way that they can live a happy life and establish an example for the people who follow this relation. They must take care of each other and know the interests of each other in order to properly understand the likes and dislikes of each other. Furthermore in joint families , they should be given freedom to interact each other as they need the support of one other to pas the long span of age. If you need custom essay, research paper, thesis or term paper on Sociology feel free to contact our professional custom writing service.
Monday, March 2, 2020
7 jobs that are incredibly underpaidÂÂ
7 jobs that are incredibly underpaid We live in a world where not all jobs- or salaries- are created equal. While some jobs are glamorous and come with equally glamorous paychecks, others offer more humble salaries- and some of them just might surprise you. According to a recent article on, the average American worker is underpaid by approximately $7,500- this translates to salaries that are roughly 13% less than their potential market values. This is attributable to a variety of factors, from job market conditions and supply vs. demand of available talent to the tendency of some new employees to not negotiate for higher salaries when starting new jobs.Let’s take a closer look at 7 jobs that are incredibly underpaid, often despite having very important responsibilities.1. Medical assistantMedical assistants work directly under the guidance of doctors and nurses, and have a host of important responsibilities including maintaining medical records, prepping patients for exams, and administering medicat ions. That said, they don’t typically command large salaries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean average wage for medical assistants is $32,850.2. Web developerIf you’re looking to break into the web developer profession, you may find a wealth of opportunities across industries, and even across borders as international projects abound. That said, the growing supply of talented web developers both around the United States and abroad has adversely impacted salaries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean average wage for web developers is $72,150.3. Social workerSocial workers are typically dedicated and qualified individuals who provide important support services to populations in need. Despite being a rewarding and commendable profession, the average social worker is not earning a huge payday. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean average wage for social workers is approximately $59,410.4. Licensed practical nurse (LPN) Nurses are incredibly important professionals who handle a wide array of critical tasks in a variety of healthcare settings, and are essential personnel for handling patient needs. That said, they typically make far less than their colleagues who are doctors or registered nurses (RNs). According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean average wage for LPNs is $44,840.5. Pharmacy technicianWhen you’re purchasing prescription medications at your local pharmacy, you’re likely to encounter a pharmacy tech at the front lines. These workers mix, measure, count out, and label medications as well as interact directly with customers. However, pharmacy techs don’t command the same salaries as the pharmacists they work beside. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean average wage for pharmacy techs is $32,170.6. Veterinary technicianWhen your pet needs a checkup or isn’t feeling well, you can count on a vet tech to help you out when you first arrive at the veterinarian’s office. They’re responsible for a host of things that help keep veterinarian practices running smoothly, including performing medical tests, preparing serums and vaccines, taking and preparing samples, and maintaining charts and medical equipment. Vet techs likely aren’t in the field to get rich quick; the mean average wage according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics is $33,870.7. Emergency medical technician (EMT)Few can argue about the importance of EMTs- when an accident or medical emergency occurs, they are often the first on the scene, and assess injuries, administer aid, and transport individuals to hospitals and medical facilities. Despite their incredible importance in saving lives, they just don’t command big salaries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean average wage for EMTs is $36,110.As you can see, not all employees are compensated equally. The 7 jobs listed here may offer professional fulfillment and satisfaction, depending on one’s job-related goals, but they will probably not set you on a road to riches. If you’re on the hunt for a new job and salary is a big factor for you, use this information to help guide you towards- and away- from certain positions.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Capital Asset Pricing Modfel slp Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Capital Asset Pricing Modfel slp - Assignment Example However, in the CAPM (capital asset pricing model), beta risk denotes the only type of risk for which an investor should receive an expected return that is greater than the risk-free rate of interest (Ehrhardt & Brigham, (2009). The estimated beta coefficient of Apple Inc. is 1.25. A beta of higher than one generally implies that the price of stock of such a company is both more volatile and tends to move up and down with the market. For instance, like in the case of Apple Inc. A stock’s beta of 1.25, theoretically implies that the security is 25 percent more volatile than the market. Such stock is riskier than the market. Even though it poses more risk, the stock should be included in the overall portfolio because it offers the possibility of a greater rate of return. This is so because a beta value of 1.25 indicates that the security is anticipated to do 25% better than the S&P 500 within an up market. This stock should be included in the portfolio to help diversify it due to its high risk-reward ratios (Bradfield, 2007). Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) refers to an economic model that is used to value securities, stocks, assets or derivatives by relating risk and expected return. It is based on the principle that investors demand a risk premium, additional expected return, in case they are required to accept additional risk. CAPM is, therefore, used in pricing stocks or securities (Ehrhardt & Brigham, (2009). Cost of equity or expected rate of return refers to the rate of return that an investor requires before being interested in any given investment at a particular price. It is the rate of return that compensates them for a higher expected risk (Reilly & Brown, 2012). The portfolio is sufficiently diversified; because it has a beat of less than one meaning the assets move in the same direction however the movement is less than that of the benchmark hence less susceptible to everyday fluctuation (Bradfield,
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Terrorism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Terrorism - Assignment Example Due to the consequences attached with terrorism, one can understand that mankind has suffered on nearly all counts. If suffering is the barometer of finding out how terrorism will be defined and described, then one can suggest different implications all the same. It is not surprising that ever since recorded history, terrorism has been hard to define. It is both a strategic tool and a tactical entity, whereby the some believe it as a holy duty while others as a crime in its most rigorous form. Some believe it is the best deterrent to oppression and thus stands as a justifiable excuse in the wake of changing times. Then there are others who believe in creating destruction within the society to meet some of their ulterior motives whilst indulging in terrorism and its related activities. This indeed is a state of mind which comes directly linked with terrorism. It remains a reality that terrorism is a crime which influences an audience apart from the victim that is apparent. The basic strategy of terrorism is to commit to those acts which come under the domains of violence and thus grab the attention and feedback of the population which is affected by the same. Often times, it has been seen that the local population is indeed the government of the land or even the entire world. The terrorists carry out the terrorism related activities to let the people know that a lot of ambiguity exists within the relevant ranks, and thus anarchy has started to come up as a major force. The manner in which the terrorism event takes place decides whether or not it has been instrumental at changing beliefs or aligning ideologies. These are some of the basic reasons why terrorism is seen as something that is hard to define and describe because it affects quite a few tangents in the long term scheme of things. The three different perspectives in the wake of t he phenomenon of terrorism offer something of insight to gain from. This encompasses the stance of the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Society’s Expectations of Manhood in Faulkner’s The Unvanquished Essay
Society’s Expectations of Manhood in Faulkner’s The Unvanquished In The Unvanquished, William Faulkner casts the narrator of the novel as an adult looking back on his boyhood. Early on, the author takes for granted that the actions he describes at the beginning of the story are recognizable to his audience as things boys do. Then, five pages into the novel, the narrator tells us his age at the time the story occurs, that he is a boy on the cusp of becoming a teenager. Using this narrative strategy allows Faulkner to view the Civil War from the perspective of a son whose father is a Confederate officer and plantation owner. Faulkner taps into southern society’s expectations of manhood in The Unvanquished. Regardless of the generation in which he is born, a man from that peculiar region below the old Mason-Dixon Line must be acquainted with at least some of the history of the Civil War. Faulkner apparently takes this tacit maxim for granted in the first few pages of his novel. We encounter two boys pretending they are in Vicksburg, Mississippi. We know they are not really in tha... Society’s Expectations of Manhood in Faulkner’s The Unvanquished Essay Society’s Expectations of Manhood in Faulkner’s The Unvanquished In The Unvanquished, William Faulkner casts the narrator of the novel as an adult looking back on his boyhood. Early on, the author takes for granted that the actions he describes at the beginning of the story are recognizable to his audience as things boys do. Then, five pages into the novel, the narrator tells us his age at the time the story occurs, that he is a boy on the cusp of becoming a teenager. Using this narrative strategy allows Faulkner to view the Civil War from the perspective of a son whose father is a Confederate officer and plantation owner. Faulkner taps into southern society’s expectations of manhood in The Unvanquished. Regardless of the generation in which he is born, a man from that peculiar region below the old Mason-Dixon Line must be acquainted with at least some of the history of the Civil War. Faulkner apparently takes this tacit maxim for granted in the first few pages of his novel. We encounter two boys pretending they are in Vicksburg, Mississippi. We know they are not really in tha...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Definition of Nursing
â€Å"Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through diagnosis and treatment of human responses, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations,†defines the American Nurses Association (ANA, 2003, p. 6). The six main features of nursing are: provision of caring relationship to promote health; the different human experiences and responses to health and illnesses; assessment of data and knowledge to understand each age group; application of knowledge, judgment, and critical thinking to diagnosis and treatment; advancement of professional nursing knowledge; influences on social and public policy to promote social justice; and the assurance of safe, quality, and evidence based practice (ANA, 2010, p. 9). Discussed will be the definitions and examples of human responses, nursing application, nursing actions, and nursing outcomes. Human Responses According to the ANA (2010), a human response is defined as, â€Å"the responses of individuals to actual or potential health problems, and which are the phenomena of concern to nurses†(p. 10). Human responses are basically the problems that nurses want to work on or solve. â€Å"Human responses include any observable need, concern, condition, event or fact of interest to nurses that may be the target of evidence-based nursing practice,†states the ANA (2010, p. 0). Human responses are the target of evidence-based practice in relation to birth, health, illness, and death (ANA, 2003, p. 71). An example is the care processes, which is seen in a patient who is unable to care for themselves where the nurse assumes this role to care for the patient (ANA, 2003, p. 71). Another example is physiological and pathophysiological processes such as respiration, circulation, and elimination (ANA, 2003, p. 71). Research is continuously investigating the best practice in caring for the body’s physiological process. For example, if a patient cannot urinate, a catheter is place to aid elimination. A protocol for insertion and how often the catheter should be changed has been determined from research making it evidence-based practice. Another example of human responses is physical and emotional comfort, discomfort, and pain (ANA, 2003, p. 71). Pain medications and interventions to relieve pain are researched to find the best method to reduce pain and promote comfort. The last example of human responses is decision and choice making abilities (ANA, 2003, p. 1). Through evidence-based practice, the nurse is able to use knowledge about the best standards of practice to critically think when caring for a patient. Nursing Theory According to the ANA (2010), nursing theory is defined as, â€Å"a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, or propositions used to systematically describe, explain, predict, or control human responses or phenomena of interest to nurses†(p. 10). Nursing theory is main ly the science and reason behind what evidence-based practice is founded on. Jean Watson was a mid-range theorist who focused on the theory of human caring (Cherry, 2011, p. 98). Her theory was summarized as, â€Å"philosophy and science of caring and humanistic nursing; this holistic outlook addresses the impact and importance of altruism, sensitivity, trust, and interpersonal skills†(Cherry, 2011, p. 95). This theory serves as a basis for evidence-based practice because caring for others is basis of nursing. Also, trust and rapport has to be evident in the nurse-patient relationship to provide adequate care in healing others. Caring promotes the notion that every human being strives for interconnectedness with other humans and with nature,†explains Cherry (2011, p. 98). The goal is for the patient to experience balance and harmony in mind, body, and soul to overcome illness (Cherry, 2011, p. 98). Nursing Actions According to the ANA (2010), nursing actions are defined as the aims to, â€Å"protect, promote, and optimize health; to prevent il lness and injury; to alleviate suffering; and to advocate for individuals, families, communities, and populations. †(p. 11). The ANA (2010) continues by stating, â€Å"nursing actions are theoretically derived, evidence-based, and require well-developed intellectual competencies†(p. 11). For example, one nursing action/intervention to promote health is good hand hygiene by nurses to prevent the spread of infection to patients. A nursing action/intervention to prevent injury is assessing a patient’s surroundings to help prevent falls such as keeping the bed in a low position, the room uncluttered, and having the patient ask for help before trying to get out of bed. Another xample of a nursing action/intervention to promote safety for the patient and aid in the prevention of medication errors is the five rights of medication administration which are the right patient, right dose, right route, right time, and right documentation. A nursing action/intervention to prevent needle stick injury in nursing is going to the needleless system by using retractable needles, not recapping needles, and alwa ys disposing needles in the â€Å"sharps†container. Most of the tasks and procedure have a protocol and has been researched. They have been proven as the best practice method, so it is known as evidence-based practice. Nursing Outcomes Nursing outcomes are basically the last part of the process and the final effects. The ANA (2010) explains this as: The purpose of nursing action is to produce beneficial outcomes in relation to identify human responses. Evaluation of outcomes of nursing actions determines whether the actions have been effective. Findings from nursing research provide rigorous scientific evidence of beneficial outcomes of specific nursing actions (p. 11). Human responses are the initial situation or problem. Nursing outcomes are the final effects after the nursing theories and actions have been implemented. The outcomes are reviewed to see if it should be implemented into practice or not. The combination of the two is what defines evidence-based practice and if it is implemented then that has been found to be the best result to be put into practice. Conclusion Human responses, nursing theory, nursing actions, and nursing outcomes are essential characteristics in defining the nursing practice. Nurses are valued for their knowledge, skills, and caring to aid in improving the health of the public (ANA, 2003, p. ). Nurses are responsible for providing safe, effective, and quality care (ANA, 2003, p. 1). Nurses use human responses to anticipate actual or potential problems. They use nursing theories to assist in working on the actual or potential problem. They then implement an action to see if that will help to solve the problem. Then finally, the nurse will see if the outcome has been effec tive and if so they are helping to bring it into practice. Nursing will continue to be defined in the future using these characteristics of evidence-based practice.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Should We Fight The War On Drugs - 1678 Words
The selling or use of drugs is looked upon as a victimless crime which is why many believe that the government should not intervene to cut back on the large amount of money spent to fight the war on drugs. They may argue that decriminalization of drugs would reduce harm, crime and be beneficial with taxation. What many fail to realize is that the legalization of all drugs will only increase child abuse, increase funding for medical help and crimes that people are unaware is caused by substance abuse. The only effective way of fighting the war on drugs is by enforcing criminalization with an exception of a few drugs, while pushing back on the harsh enforcement concurrently to only focus on violent drug users. Expert Jon Caulkins from Carnegie Mellon University is one that supports the strong idea that keeping drugs illegal with a slight pull back on enforcement will reduce the amount of offenders placed in prisons. By holding back the enforcement on some drugs it would eliminate exces sive penalties for nonviolent drug offenders (Lopez, 2016). Violent offenders could consist of physical violence, mental abuse, verbal abuse or abuse of innocent individuals, such as unborn babies. Users who are nonviolent will not be punished, unlike users who are violent in the act of selling/buying, trafficking the drug or when they are bringing danger to those around them. The idea of legalization comes from the idea of harm reduction, yet there is no proof that decriminalizing all drugsShow MoreRelatedShould We Fight The War On Drugs? Essay2039 Words  | 9 Pageswaged war against its citizens through legislation, restriction, and imprisonment. 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