Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Crisp Air By Amy Winehouse - 1060 Words
The crisp air encompasses the paper I wrote last year for English- an essay on World War Z. A photo of me and my mother from our vacation to Mexico floats by and then is lifted up, twirling around the white marble on blue satin. Through all of this, soft, fluid music glides. I recognize the song: â€Å"Valerie†by Amy Winehouse. When people talk about iCloud, this is what I picture my â€Å"cloud†looking like  all of my hard work, my memories, good and bad, my favorite songs, that embarrassing video from last Christmas, all hovering across clouds in the sky. What is this â€Å"cloud†everyone is talking about, though? Where is it? Is it a legitimate place? Why is it that everyone uses it, yet no one seems to know what it is? When talking about iCloud, the â€Å"ignorant American†stereotype shines bright. Sort of like how we are all fat. And loud. And rude. However, in this instance we fit this notorious stereotype. Honestly, no one knows what it is. Ask the person next to you. Can they explain it? No, they cannot. Told you. This past summer I got a new phone and computer for reasons privileged children get new phones and computers: none. I went to the Apple store with my mom and as the overenthusiastic bald man set up this and that on my new devices, he asked me if I used â€Å"the cloud†or if I wanted to purchase an external hard drive. I turned to my mom for the answer, like any child does, but unfortunately realised this was another one of those adult moments. You know, like having to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The Wire - 922 Words
The first time SPQ interviewed actor and Pittsburgh native Carl Clemons, he was part of HBO’s awarding winning series â€Å"The Wire.†Since the show’s conclusion, he has kept himself working as an actor in a variety of acting roles. â€Å"These past few years I have experienced personal trails tribulations. Working in the film business is not as easy as it seems.†Carl shared. There is saying in the film business that many great scenes are left on the cutting floor; it’s not an idle phrase, but truth. Carl has experienced this not once, but twice. Once during the filming ‘South Paw,’ starring Jake Gyllenhaal and 50 Cents. Carl went up for a featured role, but did not get the call back. Not to take rejection nor the opportunity to work with Pittsburgh native award winning Director, Antoine Fuqua, he humbled himself to a role as a movie extra. Not long into filming he ran into fellow actor, Tyrese Gibson, who had a featured role in the film. His friend asked, why he was a movie extra? After discussion and finagling, Carl was offered the role as Tyrese’s character’s friend. In the editing, Tyrese’s entire character was cut, as Carl’s character. The second experience happened while filming ‘Out of the Furnace’ with Christian Bale. â€Å"It was only a seven-minute scene, but it was powerful,†said Carl. His seven minutes of what might had been his personal Oscar winning scene, lay on the editing floor. Anyone with less passion and determination, might have walked away,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Wire 916 Words  | 4 PagesLast time SPQ spoke with actor and Pittsburgh native Carl Clemons, he was part of HBO’s awarding winning series â€Å"The Wire.†Since the show’s conclusion, Carl has kept himself busy with the continued development of his craft through multiple acting roles. â€Å"I have learned a lot these past few years thro ugh my own trails tribulations working in the film business,†he shared. One such test of patience, strength and endurance happened during the filming of â€Å"South Paw†here in Pittsburgh, producedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie No Wire Hangers 891 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"No wire hangers!†What would be a normal thing to find in an average persons home is not accepted in Joan Crawford’s home. This posses the question why in the movie Mommie Dearest does Mrs. Crawford have a dilemma with wire hangers in her closet? Why does she have so many mental complications in general? Although to the public, Joan seems like a striving successful actress she obviously has some underlying issues. She has developed her personality disorders her whole life, but how she got them isRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Man On Wire 1394 Words  | 6 PagesThe movie, Man on Wire is a documentary about wire-walker, Philippe Petit, who proves his impossible, yet inspiring dream above the clouds between the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers was indeed possible. 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Joan Crawford demonstrates the personality disorders of Bipolar Disorder, Histrionic Disorder, NarcissisticRead MoreMommie Dearest : Movie Analysis1325 Words  | 6 Pages person’s ability to cope with everyday life. Personality disorders are patterns of inflexible traits that disrupt social life or work and may distress the affected individual (Rathus, 2010). One way to learn how to identify these disorders is through movie analysis. Movies can help the understanding of psychological and personality disorders because people can get a better understanding from a â€Å"show me, not tell me†aspect. It is hard for a student to understand what these disorders actually are unless,Read MoreFaradays Law1667 Words  | 7 Pagesthe voltage across it changes the way it does when the north or south pole of rod shaped magnet is moved into and then back out of the center of a coil of wire at various speeds. No calculations are required in this activity, just thinking! Figure 1: The north pole of a cylindrical magnet is: (a) moving into the center of a coil of wire; (b) reversing direction; and then (c) moving out of the coil. The coil’s voltage vs. time is recorded with a computer interfaced voltage probe. TheoreticalRead MoreMomie Dearest : Psychological Disorders In The Movie Mommie Dearest1168 Words  | 5 Pagesand motion pictures to detect and analyze disorders. For example, in the movie â€Å"Mommie Dearest†, it is not hard to identify the psychological and personality disorders Joan Crawford possesses, despite not being trained psychologists. After viewing the movie and analyzing the character, it is clear to see the Joan Crawford possesses the disorders of Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissism, and Bipolar disorders. Throughout the movie Mommie Dearest, it is clear that the most prominent personality disorderRead MoreEssay on Production Report1087 Words  | 5 PagesThriller Movie, a Children’s Television Programme, A magazine or a Radio Advert. After looking at them carefully, I decided to produce an opening sequence of a Thriller Movie. The sequence had to be at least two minutes long. For this I had to Analysis three existing Media Texts, make a storyboard for my movie, a script for the story, planning a schedule, making the actual production, etc. when I was thinking of the filming, I had to think of a thriller movie that wouldRead MoreThe Film War Horse By Michael Morpurgo1575 Words  | 7 Pagesits viewers would not see War Horse as a true representative of what the war was really like. It is how the use of camera movement in War Horse connected to almost all movie goers, even though it goes against a ‘conventional Hollywood movie script’ (Madigan 2012, 48) that will be the starting point of the films camerawork analysis. Unlike Pulp Fiction there is a linear narrative present meaning spectators need to be able to clearly follow and understand the actions and events portrayed. An establishingRead MoreMovie Analysis: M vs. Bicycle Thieves Essay1399 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of M and Bicycle Thieves One thing that both movies, M and Bicycle Thieves, share collectively is the open ending; both movies make audiences interpret their own perception or ending of the movies. Also, both movies contain a sense of tragedy in the final scenes; in the movie M, I felt somewhat sympathetic toward the mentally ill killer even though I knew he was the serial killer and might be pretending to get away. The feeling of sympathy toward the serial killer in the presence of his
Why Me Free Essays
What was I going to do My mom was going to freak out on me. Oh no! Not my Dad, he is going to kill me. I have no idea what I am going to do Who is going to be there for me and help me get through all this. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Me or any similar topic only for you Order Now At this point I had no idea what to do. I sat in my room crying and praying to God to get me through all of this and give me courage to tell someone what was going on. Tina, I barely said crying to my sister as she answered her cell phone. Whats wrong My sister replied. Tina†¦ I need to talk to you please help me†¦ Im scared, I said hysterically crying. Why Maria What is going on Where are you she asked in bothered manner. Im here at home. Please dont be mad at me, I need you, I said barely even enunciating my words. Maria, I need you to calm down, hon tell me whats going on, she said in a soothing concerned voice. Tina, I said with tears pouring out my eyes. I found out that.well Im pregnant. Oh honey, are you sure Ill make a doctors appointment for sure, but until we know for sure dont say anything. So calm down and Ill call you later. I love you, Tina told me. I love you too! Thanks. I said with a new feeling of comfort. I know my sister would be there for me, but I was astonished in how understanding she was about this. She went with me to the doctor and when we found out that I was ten week into my pregnancy. She talked to me about all the options. It was clear to me that it would be hard to have a baby so young, but I knew I had to keep my angel, I would have to face the consequences of my actions. The next two weeks were the longest weeks of my life knowing in seven months I would be having my own little angel. Right then I knew I had to change my life. I tried to get back in the jest of things at school but there was no way I could pass with all that I had missed. So I started working and saving money, but as things started to go straight and I got my head back on my shoulders, I had a miscarriage. I cried in pain because my baby was gone and I couldnt do anything to get my angel back. Maybe it was for the best because God knows what hes doing. That was my wake up call, to start over get things straight for my own good. Im in my senior year doing everything I can do to succeed. Working as hard as I need to, in order to get in a University and be successful, not for just me but for my angel that will come back later in my life when Im more ready and prepared. I have no regrets, because my trust is in God, and I respect His decision. So now I need to do my part and Im willing to work as hard as I need to, to be what I need to be. Its crazy to think that I probably wouldnt even be in school writing this because I would be having a baby any day now. I wonder why this had to happen to me, and when I think about it I just want to cry because a part of me has died. Although, Im also relieved, because I know God did this to open my eyes and make me turn my life around. Now Im working as hard as I can to make my dreams of going to college and being successful come true, not for any body else, but myself and my little angel. How to cite Why Me, Essay examples Why me Free Essays And that’s when I walked away, I don’t think my stomach or my mind could’ve taken one second more of it. I literally couldn’t believe my eyes and God knows I didn’t want to. I wish it were a dream, I’d even settle for a nightmare but this there was no waking up to, this was real and it was happening to me. We will write a custom essay sample on Why me? or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I first joined the force I thought I could handle anything and everything, you know I was one of those people who could watch the most gruesome horror movie on Film Four and not blink an eyelid. Or watch my best mate throw up what seemed to be a hundred litres of lager after a night out without my stomach even twitching. But this was different, this wasn’t some murder mystery on the box or a new horror movie out at the pics’, this was real. This was reality in the police force. You hear about it everyday at work and how much they effect you and mess with your head especially when it’s your first but you never understand till it happens to you yourself. I thought I was prepared for this sort of thing, I mean people die everyday and it’s something that you have to learn to accept, but not like this, no one should have to leave this earth in that much pain and fear. They do try and prepare you for this sort of thing, but seeing photos and reading past statements and accounts is no where near to what I needed to prepare me for what I witnessed. In fact nothing can prepare you for this, not even yourself. I dream about it you know, nearly once a week, up until a few years ago it used to be every night so I suppose that’s an improvement. Ever since that moment hundreds of questions have swamped my mind and one that keeps coming back to me every second of every day, how ever selfish it may seem is why me? And I know that must be the coldest thing that has ever passed my mind, taking into consideration the amount of pain, mental torture and suffering that that poor women went through. But when all your fears come together and throw a surprise party just for you, when flashbacks come and haunt you every night and the slightest little reminder throws you into a panic attack, you have to think of yourself and what this has done to you and what it will continue to do to you for the rest of our life. Just goes round in my head over and over, why me? Why on my shift? Why couldn’t it be someone else? Why won’t it stop? Life has never been the same since then as I’m sure you all know, however great the trust is between me and the other person I just can’t open up to them. I never could and I doubt I ever will, but this is my attempt. I knew if I did tell someone that they wouldn’t understand and when I think about it, I wouldn’t want them to. Even Steve and me can’t talk about, I think we both want to but every time we try there is an awkward silence and even just seeing him brings it all back to me. At the time the Chief Inspector recommended that we went to see someone, whether together or not, you know like a psychologist or something, but what could they have possibly done or said to make our situation anymore bearable? If I couldn’t and still can’t talk to people who are the closest to me like my daughter and my best mate and now Steve then how could I sit in a room with a complete stranger and spill my thoughts, it’s just not going to happen. It’s like me and Steve are the only two people who know what it was really like; to be there, to hear her last life clutching sentence, to witness her last breath and not be able to do or say anything that would help her in anyway. It’s that feeling of helplessness and failure that cuts you up inside. It will be fifty-two years tomorrow since that horrific event and I’ll tell you that not a single day has past by when I haven’t thought about that evening, when it hasn’t replayed over and over in my mind. That poor women, poor Lynda, she didn’t deserve any of it. I’ll go and pay my respects in the morning, lay the same flowers that I have done every year and cry the same tears that I do every night as I pray. By now you’re all probably wondering why I’m writing all this and why now? Well as you are all fully aware I’m nearly eighty-six and I don’t know how much time I’ve got left. So I just wanted to try and explain in brief what happened back then that made me into the scared, frail man that you see today. I hope that it hasn’t affected you a tenth of what it has for me. I’m sorry for not being able to be strong for my grandchildren and for myself, please forgive that. Don’t be sad when I’m gone because hopefully heaven will be the one place that that day will not affect me. I love you all and thank you with all my heart for putting up with me over these hard years. Look after each other and be happy. How to cite Why me?, Papers
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